5127 Reasons Why Christianity is not True Comments: [email protected] Alphabetical listing 1 ) The Jesus Seminar 2 ) Christian world vs real world 3 ) Hell 4 ) Hitler/Murdered Jews & T. Bundy/Andrew Carnegie 5 ) Evil nature of god 6 ) Failure to return 7 ) Early Christians “dumb”/superstitious 8 ) Borrowed miraculous elements 9 ) Ten Commandments 10 ) Jesus baptized by John the Baptist 11 ) Delayed documentation of gospels 12 ) Jesus purposely confuses outsiders 13 ) Evil spirits/ mental illness 14 ) Polytheism and the trinity 15 ) Shroud of Turin/confirmation bias 16 ) God fails to give a clear message 17 ) Animal rights 18 ) Irony of the ages 19 ) Belief versus actions 20 ) Infant death 21 ) Beginning of life 22 ) Roman bias 23 ) Growing fish 24 ) God equation of the Gospel of John 25 ) Bible contradictions 26 ) Intelligence vs. religious beliefs 27 ) Lazarus and the woman caught in adultery 28 ) Palm Sunday/Good Friday conflict 29 ) Judas 30 ) Roman census 31 ) Passover prisoner release 32 ) Jesus rejected in his own town 33 ) The forged ending to the gospel of Mark 34 ) Resurrection consequences 35 ) Other gospel books 36 ) Too many messiahs 37 ) Two gospels 38 ) Jesus divine theory 39 ) Evolution demarcation 40 ) Tiny drama/ huge stage 41 ) Chosen people 42 ) Ignored scriptures 43 ) Jewish fate 44 ) Book of Revelation & misinterpretation 45 ) Prayer 46 ) Angels 47 ) Heaven as Hell 48 ) Hell as a man-made vs. divine concept 49 ) God’s imperfect plan 50 ) God as a man 51 ) Selective belief in miracles 52 ) Witch trials 53 ) Slavery 54 ) Homosexuality 55 ) Status of women 56 ) Lack of scientific insight 57 ) Splintering 58 ) Other religions 59 ) Secular societies fare better 60 ) Way things happen 61 ) Fictional stories 62 ) Text remains, practice changes 63 ) Lack of sacrifice 64 ) Allowing the holocaust 65 ) Parent in heaven, child in hell 66 ) Herod kills infant children 67 ) God as an infant baby 68 ) Observation of miracles by the Romans 69 ) The changing god 70 ) Circumcision 71 ) Scribes fail to write about Jesus 72 ) Jesus and Noah 73 ) Jesus the racist 74 ) The irrational Jesus 75 ) Jesus’s inconsistency regarding OT law 76 ) God stops inspiring writers 1900 yrs ago 77 ) Disparate writing styles in biblical books 78 ) Flaws in the account of Jesus’s trial 79 ) Blood sacrifice 80 ) Evidence against a soul 81 ) The Black Plague 82 ) Gospel writers fail to fulfill prophecies 83 ) Bible copying errors 84 ) Deliberate scripture fabrication 85 ) Jesus makes false statements 86 ) Jesus condemns kids for cursing 87 ) Jesus admits he is not God 88 ) Fact checking 89 ) Christianity rejects Jesus’s “message” 90 ) Forgetting the feeding of the many 91 ) The temptation of Christ 92 ) Christian morality 93 ) Hypocrisy of the typical Christian 94 ) The illogic of punishing the innocent 95 ) God the struggling author 96 ) God supports sex slavery, polygamy 97 ) Abraham’s sacrifice of Isaac 98 ) The unlevel playing field 99 ) Pagan cannibalism 100) Failure of modern Christians to conform 101) Christianity vs. Buddhism 102) Christianity spawns the Dark Ages 103) Biblical marriage 104) A crucial contradiction 105) Christianity discourages adult reason 106) The strange love of an almighty deity 107) Christian god meets criteria of “religion” 108) Faith healing and death 109) Atheists know more about religion 110) Donations to help the poor and needy 111) Catholic child abuse scandal 112) Persecution by Christians 113) Christianity’s record 114) Jesus the hypocrite 115) Transferring guilt to Jews for Jesus’s death 116) Thomas and tyranny of faith 117) Contradictory geneologies 118) New Testament not close to originals 119) Book burning 120) Failed prophecies in the Bible 121) The lies of Christianity 122) Chronology & geography of the bible 123) The existence of intelligent doubters 124) The transfer of punishment 125) Christian morality vs Mohavira 126) God’s overuse of the death penalty 127) Jesus the extortionist 128) Christianity supports torture 129) Many Christ like figures predate Jesus 130) Jesus was not the Jewish messiah 131) Matthew the Rosetta stone of the resurrection 132) People who lived and died before Jesus 133) Christian hate groups 134) Christian apologetics 135) Ann Rice and the transmutation of Christianity 136) Changing inconvenient teachings 137) Mormonism 138) Flip side of Pascal’s wager 139) The unforgivable sin 140) Misuse of personal preference to shape scripture 141) Boy Jesus in the temple 142) Lourdes and wishful thinking 143) Pope Gregory IX, cats, bubonic plague 144) Lack of gradation 145) Relative time 146) Miracles of Jesus were too mundane 147) Sanitizing Bible of mythical creatures 148) Judgement based the timing of death 149) God’s failure to stop deceptive information 150) God fails to manage followers 151) Authors put words in Jesus’s mouth 152) Christianity follows, not leads social change 153) St. Augustine sends unbaptized babies to hell 154) Thousands of religions develop before Jesus 155) Early Christians take over pagan shrines 156) The competition of gods 157) The restricted horizon of Christian followers 158) The naked absurdity of Christianity 159) God punishes people for how they’re born 160) Absence of Earthly advantage 161) Historical inaccuracies in Luke & Acts 162) Religious belief leads to obesity 163) God fails to protect ‘his own’ 164) A letter to Dr. Laura 165) Ending the flow of life 166) Near death experiences 167) Bible is used to justify injurious acts 168) God causes violations of the 10 commandments 169) OT and NT disagree on life after death 170) Matthew’s fabricated prophecy 171) Making Jesus human 172) The trilemma failure 173) Persistence of belief, resistance to reason 174) Second coming of science & religion 175) Achievements of science vs religion 176) Information processing overload 177) Science fails to detect signs of the supernatural 178) The crux of the matter 179) Jesus is unknown 180) Jesus avoids danger 181) Paul knew very little about Jesus 182) Jesus prophecy fails about followers 183) Virgin birth invented to convert Romans/Greeks 184) Jesus admits cures are not permanent 185) Jesus divides families 186) Jesus gives horrible marital advice 187) Catholic church practiced castration 188) Christian hypocrisy regarding prayers 189) God’s inconsistent support of Jews 190) God came to Earth and nothing changed 191) Dead sea scrolls and OT problems 192) Christianity values Jesus’s death, not life 193) Historians fail to document resurrection 194) Christians cling to this life 195) Invalid prophecy of Jesus’s birth in Matthew 196) Jesus is silent in the Old Testament 197) Christians and government social programs 198) Christianity has no effect on marital success 199) Christians outnumber atheists in prison 200) God gives conflicting messages through prayer 201) The Santa Claus analogy 202) How belief in the resurrection originated 203) God hardens Pharaoh’s heart to show off 204) Jesus apostles didn’t know about the virgin birth 205) Changing the mission of John the Baptist 206) Jesus destroys Paul’s faith 207) Thomas Jefferson 208) Christianity fears…. yoga? 209) Sanitizing the gospel in newer versions 210) Current urban legends foreshadow biblical stories 211) Clergy committing the sin of silence 212) Missing empty tomb 213) OT doesn’t prophecize crucified messiah 214) John the baptist declaration forgery 215) If you’re not a Jew you are not a follower of Jesus 216) Bibliolatry 217) Women’s rights affected by forged epistles 218) God’s diminishing power 219) Jesus misunderstands washing hands 220) Excuses 221) God fails to enlighten the faithful about disease 222) Conflicting resurrection stories 223) Fabricated apostles’ death stories 224) Christian researchers fail to authenticate “God” 225) Christian god is a random Israeli selection 226) Original followers thought Paul was wrong 227) God’s inconsistent grace 228) God’s different concept of personhood 229) Bible endorses torture 230) Bible is not “pro-child” 231) Bible content warning 232) Lack agreement on social/moral issues 233) Lightning rods on giant Christ statue 234) Myth of Christian persecution 235) Christian belief based on false premise 236) Christianity’s immune system 237) God vanishes after 100AD 238) Paul of Acts vs Paul of Epistles 239) The evolving story of Jesus’s interment 240) Serving up the big lie of eternal life 241) Relationship between synoptic gospels 242) Luke’s fictional tale about a risen Christ 243) Apollonius of Tyana 244) Gospel of John disputes virgin birth 245) Crucifixion fiction 246) Anachronism in Mark 247) The missing original gospel manuscripts 248) The Virgin Mary and rape 249) The illogic of prayer 250) Noah’s ark a modern reflection of Jesus 251) Silence of the dames 252) Christianity supresses secular education 253) Children in secular families fare better 254) The bipolar Christian god 255) How Yahweh evolved to be omnipotent 256) Proof that Jesus was not God 257) Jesus’s serious flaw 258) Jesus needs swords 259) Missing city of Nazareth 260) Fading uniqueness of humans 261) Sexual response vs monogamous life 262) Three hours of darkness no one noticed 263) Gospel authors wrote like fiction writers 264) The empty promise of heaven 265) Encouragement of war and famine 266) Christians as vampires 267) Repudiation of family values 268) Jesus fails to abolish slavery 269) Jesus gets angry and ungodlike 270) The Bible ends with a failed prophecy 271) The invention of Purgatory 272) The creation of the Devil 273) The many faces of Jesus 274) The Holy Spirit fails to align beliefs 275) Unveiling the true Jesus 276) The story of Annanius and Sapphira 277) Fatal flaws in the ascension story 278) Double failure of Matthew 2:23 279) Christian missionaries condemn people 280) The case of Cassie Bernall 281) Martin Luther admits Christianity is shaky 282) Heaven is populated mostly by fetuses 283) Paul embellishes his vision story 284) Pagan influence on Christianity 285) Major Christian faith groups deny the Trinity 286) Jesus temple prophecy not fulfilled 287) Luke makes Jesus insensitive to families 288) Obvious fiction of Herod’s death 289) Jesus gives answer opposite modern Christianity 290) The Wizard of Oz analogy 291) Contradiction on how to attain eternal life 292) The center of Christianity 293) God had to know which books to inspire 294) Jesus could not have claimed to be God 295) Jesus’s flawed moral character 296) The three stages of God’s barbarity 297) Inconsistency choosing books for the Bible 298) Forgery to legitimize doctrine of the Trinity 299) Cleaning up embarrassing issues 300) Jesus lied about his location after death 301) Jesus spoke through prophets after death? 302) Rape as a pathway to marriage 303) The pathologies of Christianity 304) Brian Williams 305) Universe lacks features of a designer 306) Extinction of species 307) Asteroid impacts 308) Universe from nothing 309) God waits infinite time to make universe 310) God is not a part of the universe 311) Irreducible complexity 312) Earth in an insignificant part of the universe 313) God was killed by the Big Bang 314) The existence of science 315) Multiple Jesus’s needed for emerging civilizations 316) Scientific disciplines contradicting Christianity 317) Dinosaurs 318) Speed of light 319) Extrasolar planets 320) Quantum mechanics says “no” to a god 321) Epicurus 322) Smallpox-Godless scientists care more 323) Galileo 324) Human body design flaws 325) Vestigial organs 326) Transgender people 327) Alzheimer’s, ticks, mosquitos, parasites 328) Events in NT copied from OT 329) Evolution 330) Christians revise the words of Jesus 331) Christians claim some scriptures are not literal 332) Red Letter Bibles 333) Stigmata 334) Evolution of Yahweh 335) Failure of unambiguous prayer 336) Sports results 337) God’s uneven blessings 338) Christians stole Winter Solstice holiday 339) Christianity produces sexual misery 340) Birth defects 341) The absurdity of god watching everyone 342) Reading the Bible 343) The improbability of the ascension 344) The faith of the Roman centurion 345) God fails to give a definite sign of existence 346) Martin Luther laid groundwork for Holocaust 347) Inversion of news and commentary 348) Significance of what “Q” document omitted 349) Jesus never moved a mountain 350) Jesus did no charity work and glorified poverty 351) The life cycle of gods 352) God’s allows spokespeople to say awful things 353) Peronism 354) God fails to respond to tests/challenges 355) Blame shifting to sanction women’s subservience 356) God admits he’s one of many gods 357) Bible’s attitude to sex reveals primitive authorship 358) Author of Mark didn’t view Jesus as a God 359) Cult of Asclepius 360) Made-up saints 361) Bible commands to kill nonbelievers 362) Spread of Christianity slow till 300 CE 363) The story of Lot and the value of women 364) Christian de-conversions should fail 365) The harrowing of hell 366) Fictional crucifixion story 367) Jesus reveals lack of divinity cursing fig tree 368) Gospel of Thomas suggests Jesus is mental 369) Mother Teresa’s doubt 370) The Book of Acts is historical fiction 371) Bible influenced by other religions 372) Non-religious people show more empathy 373) Christianity exploits human frailty 374) Six New Testament letters are forged 375) Comparing gospels to Tacitus works 376) Forgery of John Chapter 21 377) Christian scriptures were not kept in libraries 378) Easily accessed info causes decline in belief 379) Messiahs other than Jesus more documented 380) Numerous councils needed to decide doctrine 381) Oct 28, 312 at the Milvian bridge 382) God fails to promote human rights 383) Missing letter of Paul to the Corinthians 384) God opts out of the criminal justice system 385) Prologue to Gospel of John is a forgery 386) Christians take OT literally, Jews don’t 387) Literal truth versus allegory 388) Christian church demonized pagan knowledge 389) Why are there four gospels? 390) The Bible fails the test as a work of God 391) The Spanish Inquisition 392) Jesus’s missing statement 393) The car analogy 394) God would have created humans immediately 395) Failed end of world predictions 396) Why wasn’t Jesus’s gift offered world wide? 397) The dehumanizing effect of Christianity 398) Constantine was a butcher and psychopath 399) Jesus was likely psychologically impaired 400) Absurdities in Acts prove it’s not historical 401) Intersex babies prove God not involved 402) Modern archaeology conflicts with the Bible 403) Paul mocked by philosopher Porphyry 404) Argument of “unnecessary complexity” 405) The lie that Jesus was famous 406) God fails to protect original Gospel manuscripts 407) Isaiah does not refer to Jesus 408) OT calls out Jesus as a fraud 409) Christianity & sanity are not compatible 410) God the psychopath 411) The corrupted love of Christianity 412) God is more callous to pain than humans 413) The fictitious story of the thief on the cross 414) A world unbefitting a “perfect creator” 415) Jesus as the scapegoat 416) Christianity’s evolving theological constructions 417) What Jesus should have done to send a sign 418) Jesus failed to tell people to document his ministry 419) Pascal’s Wager for atheists 420) The Gandhi paradox 421) Jesus’s history should be indisputable 422) The failure of Christians to be better people 423) Christians worship ancient Jewish tribal leader 424) Conditions needed for Christianity to make sense 425) “You must not put God to the test” 426) Jesus arrived too early 427) The illogical basis of Pauline Christology 428) Atheist marriages are more stable 429) God fails to deliver an error-free book 430) Jesus’s missing years 431) Paulinity 432) Ridiculous tale of John the Baptist birth 433) Christianity only works for a cherry picker 434) Children of same sex couples fare just as well 435) Ebionites 436) Deification of Jesus moves back in time 437) Earthly reward/punishment controlled by humans 438) Promiscuous teleological intuition 439) Parents sheltering children 440) Christians consistently on wrong side of history 441) Christianity’s offer of eternal life is a lie 442) Acquiescence to Roman rule 443) Barbaric punishment for crimes 444) Christian beliefs about disease cause deaths 445) Jesus lies to his brothers 446) Condemnation of gays and effeminate 447) The outsider test for faith in Christianity 448) The ‘Last Supper’ and drinking of “blood” 449) Christian belief is all words, not action 450) Incongruity of using punishment to erase sins 451) What if you’re RIGHT? 452) Cleaning past history 453) The blood test analogy 454) God fails to improve the morals of the Israelites 455) Inventing a story to hide a problem scripture 456) Christianity is rooted in fascism 457) Biblical prophecies fail authenticity test 458) Eusebius- the great forger 459) Sin labeling 460) The “Rule of 3” 461) Stellar nucleosynthesis (element creation) 462) The sheer number of gods 463) Asking the right questions about the Devil 464) Cognitive versus intuitive thinking 465) The ‘Big Rip’ defies a god-created universe 466) Carnivorous animals 467) OT never said the Messiah would die for our sins 468) The failure of Christians’ basis for belief 469) The puzzling incongruities of Christian doctrine 470) Cognitive inhibition 471) Desire-based belief 472) God fails to pick the right Popes 473) The Bible is irrelevant 474) Dreams 475) Money reveals the fraud of Christianity 476) “God works in mysterious ways” 477) Jesus is superfluous 478) Jesus birth year problem 479) Birth of Christianity- in 49 AD? 480) Bible translations biased by Christian scribes 481) Science is universal, not religion 482) Atheism is not a choice 483) Secular spirituality 484) Biblical incongruity regarding Jesus’s conception 485) Fabricated snake story in the Book of Acts 486) Scientific mistakes in the Bible 487) Doctrine of atonement not in first three gospels 488) Jesus was not extraordinary 489) Selective belief in prophets 490) Bible reflects ancient Middle Eastern Jewish culture 491) Gospel references to demons are missing in John 492) God’s short and restricted visit to the Earth 493) Christians fear doubting their faith 494) Christians used the Bible to defend segregation 495) The folly of worshiping God 496) Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph are mythical 497) The location of Heaven and Hell 498) Raising people from the dead 499) God did not select the books of the Bible 500) Interpolations indicate God did not write the Bible 501) The randomness test for god 502) Last Supper copied from Mithraism 503) Failed prophecies in the Book of Daniel 504) Forgery in I Corinth. negates women’s ordination 505) God condones child sacrifice 506) People living in scenic areas are less religious 507) Mother Theresa’s fake miracle 508) Jesus supports castration 509) The locality argument 510) God watches 21,000 children die 511) Three laws of imaginary gods 512) God beliefs are egocentric 513) Magic handkerchiefs 514) Least religious U.S. cities are healthier 515) Marian apparitions 516) Religions developed from false attribution 517) Christian martyrdom is unimpressive 518) Opposition to contraception 519) Original sin 520) Apostle’s Creed versus Nicene Creed 521) Jesus burial tomb anachronism 522) David Koresh- another Jesus 523) Best apologist can’t defend Christianity 524) Jesus ministry extended from 1 to 3 years 525) Cargo cults 526) Christianity exploits need for intimacy 527) Fabricating Elijah’s return 528) Ignored scripture undermines Christianity 529) Absurdity of Christianity’s punishment 530) Christian evidence not admissible in court 531) Elvis Presley 532) Lisbon earthquake and the birth of atheism 533) Architect of Christianity not a direct witness 534) Jesus failed to define himself 535) Mismatch of geography to exclusivity 536) Dionysus and Jesus parallels 537) The Christian view of gods 538) Poor timing of Jesus’s arrival 539) Age of accountability problem 540) Pariedolia and visions 541) Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross was a sham 542) Jesus did not overturn the Temple tables 543) Jesus preaches unscientific information 544) The fictional story of Pentecost 545) The confusing method of salvation 546) Jesus demands faith, needs none himself 547) The fallacy of God’s ‘love’ 548) A fictitious drought 549) God and the fourth dimension 550) Christianity denigrates human wisdom 551) The three men who made Christianity 552) The shortest version of Christianity 553) Anachronistic marital advice 554) Disciples actions inconsistent 555) ‘Miracle’ of the loaves and fishes 556) Bible spawns bad behavior 557) 1 John not inspired by God 558) Christianity mis-identified the cause of disease 559) Romans fail to react to a risen Jesus 560) Reading the Bible in reverse 561) Euhemerism 562) Christian ‘proofs’ just claims for deism 563) The Raglin Mythotype shows a pattern 564) Miscarriages belie the Christian god 565) Jesus cannot be the Jewish Messiah 566) Universe not designed for life 567) Jesus believed in Satan, Christians not so much 568) The failure of the Golden Rule 569) Paul’s lie about 500 resurrection witnesses 570) Christianity maligns human dignity 571) Christianity started as an end-of-the-world cult 572) False use of scripture by Peter 573) Irrational basis for forgiving sins 574) Autism reduces belief in religion 575) Mistakes in the Book of Mark 576) Matthew misrepresents scripture 577) Demon-man overpowers seven men 578) Sinai Bible reveals the fraud of modern Bibles 579) Christians forbidden to read the Bible 580) One verifiable piece of evidence 581) No difference if Jesus was real or not 582) Jesus does what he condemns 583) Christianity fails to improve or be clarified 584) Demon possession in New but not Old Testament 585) Bible fails to firmly establish doctrine 586) Jesus makes a false statement 587) Artificial religious experiences 588) Problems with the Sermon on the Mount 589) Problems with eternal life 590) The God-Satan fallacy 591) Eyewitnesses of Jesus rejected him 592) Five views of Jesus 593) The lie of Mary’s virginity 594) Blasphemy invented to cover flawed doctrine 595) Immaterial consciousness does not exist 596) The preposterous claim of ‘God’s will’ 597) God makes flawed people, demands perfection 598) Christianity- the missing evidence 599) Jesus resurrection not meant to be literal 600) Christianity- the big picture 601) Jesus’s birth- Luke versus Matthew 602) Christian god peddles end times expectancy 603) No animals in Heaven? 604) Christianity fails a critical test 605) Jesus died too quickly on the cross 606) Route to salvation changed dramatically 607) The fictional story of Peter’s denial 608) Christianity lacks attributes of real history 609) The illogic of God having emotions 610) External condemnation and forgiveness 611) Absence of legitimate arguments 612) The census of the damned 613) God sanctioned polygamy 614) Resurrection originally not taken literally 615) The James Randi Challenge 616) The Bible is not clear on doctrine 617) A real god wouldn’t make petty rules 618) Morality failed to spread outward from Judea 619) Jesus wears too many hats 620) Biblical ethics versus modern-day ethics 621) Lack of recording of paranormal phenomena 622) The Didache- the canary in the mine 623) The myth of the Transfiguration 624) Jesus committed the sin of suicide 625) Jesus’s 651-word soliloquy 626) Psychosis formed the basis of religious belief 627) Misinterpreting Jesus’s terminology 628) The absurdity of God’s production 629) Conversions from Christian to atheist 630) The Adam bomb 631) Chronology: Resurrection to Ascension 632) ‘Talking’ with God 633) Resurrection not a unique occurrence 634) Thou shalt not kill….or murder? 635) Making up prophecies 636) Christians have no freedom 637) God’s cure for leprosy 638) Unjust punishment is a blessing 639) Confusion over Old Testament applicability 640) A letter to a believer 641) The assumption that God is good 642) Problem with the Fifth Commandment 643) Closer to being messiah than Jesus 644) Evidence against a soul- split brain patients 645) Irrational condemnation 646) God controls who can come to Jesus 647) Three views of the Eucharist 648) Original sin doctrine not in Old Testament 649) Trend in belief of scientists 650) Book-based religions eventually fail 651) The fire-breathing dragon 652) Demon possession not recognized by courts 653) Characteristics of a cult 654) Rejection of socialism 655) Bible typos 656) Science refutes contemporary miracles 657) The Popemobile 658) Accepting disease as divine punishment 659) Money contaminates Christianity 660) The illogical application of forgiveness 661) Paul’s foolish rule about hair 662) No one can enter Heaven? 663) The most absurd belief of Christianity 664) Presuppositional apologetics 665) The Bible repeats previous literature 666) Gospel writers were not eyewitnesses 667) The zombie apocalypse 668) 10 motivations to forge the Bible 669) Various early Christianities 670) If there was a god, … 671) Christianity provokes marital rape 672) Author of Acts confuses sacarii and the Egyptian 673) Money diverted to fix an avoidable problem 674) The growing mythicist movement 675) Atheist children are more generous and tolerant 676) Women cannot exert authority over men 677) God requires the spilling of blood to forgive 678) God sends most people to Hell 679) God’s obsession with menstruation 680) God’s receding territory 681) Deification of mortal humans is commonplace 682) Paul, the miracle worker? 683) God, the baby killer 684) God’s paradox 685) No religion has originated in two places 686) The double-edge sword of miracles 687) Weather 688) The real ‘rock’ was Paul, not Peter 689) The sending out of the seventy-two 690) Coherence 691) The Jesus sharpshooter fallacy 692) Let your light shine….no wait! 693) Pre-loaded beliefs 694) Jesus, the terrorist 695) What Jesus believed 696) Morality changes over time 697) Ancient Christian view of the universe 698) Paul contradicts Jesus 699) Jesus approved of polygamy 700) Christian sensitivity indicates fragile belief 701) Parable of the ten minas 702) Diminishing recitable verses 703) The existence of agnostics 704) God allows gratuitous suffering 705) Jesus kills children for sins of the mother 706) Eyewitnesses dead at time of first gospel 707) Christianity is becoming obsolete 708) Jesus foments strife in a self-serving way 709) Jesus’s greatest theological contribution 710) Scriptural bundling 711) Bayes Theorem 712) The three conditions needed to disbelieve 713) The simplest explanation is usually correct 714) Major problems with the Tenth Commandment 715) A forgery dooms women’s ordination 716) The de-conversion experience 717) Christianity was designed to grow rapidly 718) The folly of marrying Genesis with science 719) The Bible promotes pedophilia 720) Toxic Christianity- Independent Baptists 721) Matthew mangles prophecy 722) Jesus, an effect, not a cause of Christianity 723) When did Jesus acquire his omnipotence? 724) The war against Christianity…by Christians 725) Matthew manipulated to support Trinity 726) Christianity’s mistreatment of children 727) Eternal damnation of apostates 728) Medical world fails to find demon-disease link 729) Vatican retreat reveals flaw in Christian dogma 730) Mark’s gospel based on Homer’s The Odyssey 731) Christianity is a caged bear…for now 732) God discriminates against people with afflictions 733) Paul gives absurd marital advice 734) Galaxy collision belies a designer 735) God inflicts the practice of cannibalism 736) “Give up the Bible”- John Wesley 737) God fails to make foolish the wisdom of the world 738) An improbable visit to the tomb 739) The cumulative effect of prayer is zilch 740) Atheists going to Heaven? 741) Paul’s gospel based on revelation, not facts 742) Christianity surrenders too much ground 743) Omnipresent god was in just one location 744) Christians are afraid to read the Bible 745) Imprecatory Psalms 746) Miraculously resurrected horses 747) Praying is illogical 748) Jesus displays un-godlike anger and contempt 749) Morality is not tied to religion 750) Christianity survived by stifling integration 751) Memories reside in brain cells, don’t survive death 752) Jesus ignorant of astronomy 753) Christianity promotes suffering 754) Test for an unfaithful wife 755) Evolution of Judeo-Christian polytheism 756) The graveyard of gods 757) Moses did not write the Pentateuch 758) Proof Jesus was just a man 759) Ken Ham disproves Noah’s Ark 760) Wealthier nations are less religious 761) Paul contradicts Jesus 762) It can’t be believed by a thinking person 763) Hell is logically fictitious 764) Mythological imagery 765) The Good Book? 766) Gods became more distant over time 767) Why God does not show himself 768) Religion perpetuates by distorting childrens’ minds 769) Mark plagiarized Psalm 22 770) A relationship built on a threat 771) The silence of Josephus 772) Jesus, Dionysus, Hercules, and Perseus 773) The Gospel of Mark is full of irony 774) Analytical thinking promotes religious disbelief 775) Objective test of prayer reveals there is no god 776) Difficult questions for the faithful 777) Instead of petty miracles, Jesus, give us this! 778) Action of one versus prayers of one thousand 779) Messy pastor successions 780) Why do churches need gimmicks? 781) Christianity fails the test of logical game theory 782) Ambiguous end times 783) The origin of the idea of God 784) More on the treatment of children 785) Governments assume there is no god 786) The Book of Daniel is fiction 787) Jesus’s philosophy-neither original nor remarkable 788) Haile Selassie and Rastafarianism 789) The Kumaré Film Project 790) God failed to inspire Bible translators 791) Luke’s gospel reveals Jesus to be a regular man 792) Jesus was wrong about the origin of gender 793) The evolution of Christian doctrine 794) The sad tale of the Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit) 795) Christianity looks just like it was all made up 796) Kitzmiller vs. Dover Area School District 797) Satan is powerless 798) Self-awareness is not exclusively human 799) The first Christian apologist 800) Early Christians were more brutal than the Romans 801) Why did Jesus leave the Earth so quickly? 802) God is responsible for sending people to Hell 803) Failure to heal paralysis 804) What is the overall effect of 2000 years of prayers? 805) Jude cites non-canonical source 806) Calling the disciples 807) The parable of the shiny car 808) Jesus admits that he is just a messenger 809) The Bible needs to be updated 810) The signs of the end times are no longer valid 811) Jesus was copied from Inanna The Queen of Heaven 812) Human embryonic comparison to other animals 813) The backfire of the designer argument 814) Jesus thought dumbness was caused by a demon 815) Faith healers avoid hospitals 816) Proof the Bible is not inerrant 817) Free will is an illusion 818) Snake handling 819) Jesus condemns most Christians 820) Destruction of records 821) Fabricating a preposterous casualty count 822) The vile character of the Christian god 823) Daniel in the lion’s den 824) Early Christianity suppressed science 825) Matthew inflates Mark’s story 826) Christianity traffics sexual guilt 827) Reasons to doubt the empty tomb 828) Improbable logistics of Jesus’s ministry 829) Analyzing the virgin birth 830) Jesus did not know the hour of his return 831) Meet you in Galilee or Jerusalem? 832) If God is real, we are all slaves 833) The Book of Joshua 834) Time from resurrection to ascension 835) Problems with the Book of Esther 836) The biblical view of agency 837) Bible not written in the language of the participants 838) Evidence of Christian polytheism 839) Paul invented the Last Supper 840) Did Jesus go to the desert or Cana? 841) Jesus had symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia 842) Applying Occam’s Razor to Christianity 843) Christianity has died a hundred times 844) Professions that tend to make people atheists 845) Interpreting crisis situations 846) Multiculturalism 847) Non-religious countries are the least corrupt 848) Christian Bible made sense….for its time 849) Dan Barker’s challenge 850) The fallacy of feeling God’s presence 851) God cares less about conversion than do Christians 852) What if Jesus came today? 853) If the Jews didn’t believe, why should we? 854) Failure to communicate led to massive bloodshed 855) Atheist arguments increase Christians’ faith 856) Lies taught to Christian women 857) First and Second Peter are forgeries 858) The double standard of Christian faith claims 859) Christians defend a helpless god 860) Lying undermines the credibility of Christianity 861) The Christian god is a loser 862) Minds of atheists are more open than Christians 863) Redundant genealogies 864) Allowing belief that the end is near 865) Problems with the story of Judas 866) Brown dwarf stars 867) God pleased by the murder of an interracial couple 868) Evidence that we do not survive death 869) Wedding at Cana problems 870) Romulus/Jesus parallel 871) Ease of creating scripture 872) Disciples just got up and left? 873) God’s nature is inconsistent 874) Religion becoming extinct in nine nations 875) God is obsessed with trivial things 876) Harry Potter and Christian hypocrisy 877) Paul thought Jesus lived only in outer space 878) David Hume’s logic 879) Jesus will burn people alive 880) Matthew less reliable than Mark 881) The Gospel of John is fiction 882) Sermon on the Mount geared to end times 883) Matthew misinterprets timeline of Mark 884) The real Ten Commandments 885) St. Thomas More 886) First Romans, now Americans reshape Christianity 887) Disciples fictitious missionary journey 888) Christianity falsely claims source of morality 889) Josephus writes about other messiahs 890) Saints show Christianity’s pagan roots 891) Bart Ehrman changes view on mythicist evidence 892) Important events reported in only one gospel 893) Michael the Archangel plagiarized by Jesus 894) Atheist quotes bring clarity 895) In God we trust? 896) What Christianity lacks 897) Probability that Christianity is true 898) Christian god flunks four question test 899) Christian dominance due more to military might 900) Gospels downplay Jesus’s ascension 901) Bible more violent than Quran 902) Catholic Church and condoms 903) The kingdom moves to the heavens 904) Christianity became clothed with paganism 905) Noah and Atrahasis 906) Mary Magdalene and the seven demons 907) Thou shalt (not?) kill 908) Christianity proves the concept of evolution 909) Devil blamed for Christianity’s plagiarism 910) Science causes Christians to make up things 911) Societal changes suggest Christianity is False 912) The fallacy of dismissing the Old Testament 913) What Christianity doesn’t want 914) God forbids Christmas trees 915) First Century literacy rates affected Bible accuracy 916) Gravitational waves disprove Genesis 917) Synoptic Jesus not the Jesus of the Gospel of John 918) Mammon, the demon of greed 919) God dishonors pure faith 920) Hitchen’s Razor 921) OCD is the basis for all religion 922) Jesus was mentally abused 923) Dr. Charles Templeton 924) Christian god laid bare by Mark Twain 925) Society more wicked when belief is strongest 926) Paul writes about apostles, not disciples 927) Early atheism stamped out by political force 928) Religious visions based on arbitrary factors 929) Magical thinking repels reason 930) Christianity maintains a set of fictions 931) The Bible makes a provably false claim 932) Jesus’s twin brother Jude 933) Parishioners becoming better educated than clergy 934) Christianity is Flavian vanity 935) Christianity is the ultimate conspiracy theory 936) God commands worship from beings he created 937) Bible explains how animals got stripes 938) Skeptics better than believers in logical ability 939) Did the women announce the empty tomb? 940) Biblical unity requires no supernatural explanation 941) Embellished stories propagate faster 942) If Christianity is false, what should we see? 943) Book of Revelation pollutes New Testament 944) Speaking in tongues is just gibberish 945) The evolutionary tree of religion 946) The Bible does not mention the brain 947) Christian apologists agree- Jesus made a mistake 948) Moses mistakes human biology 949) Kissing Hank’s Ass 950) Time 951) Book of Jonah foists three myths 952) Christian god false on four counts 953) Liberal view of Genesis fails nevertheless 954) John reassured disappointed Christians 955) The human brain is evidence for atheism 956) Sabbatai Zevi 957) Fine tuning is an argument for atheism 958) The moral argument for atheism 959) Bananas 960) To God, only certain lives matter 961) Out-of-body experiences debunked 962) God, the mind reader 963) The five-fold challenge 964) Curiosity + Investigation = Atheism 965) Famous Americans expressed religious doubt 966) Jesus was immoral and a psychopath 967) Prayer is ineffective and redundant 968) Evolution of earliest writings about Jesus 969) Animal sacrifice 970) Jesus shows conceit 971) God’s belated retribution order 972) The argument from the Bible 973) Babies born in heaven? 974) Unfulfilled prophecies 975) Resurrection contradictions 976) Jesus was charged with sedition, not blasphemy 977) Abortion nonsense 978) Bible preaches acceptance of mistreatment 979) Christianity is callous toward poverty 980) Hierarchy of gods 981) Christian war against gender fluidity 982) The testimony of nature 983) Paul never read the gospels 984) Christianity suppressed medical progress 985) Evolution of Marian myths 986) Philo of Alexandria 987) God aggrandizes himself at the expense of mortals 988) Jesus, the carpenter 989) Book of Acts modified to make peace with Rome 990) Giordano Bruno 991) Jesus story rehashed from prior myths 992) Gospel authors unfamiliar with local geography 993) Gospels have no Hebrew or Aramaic sources 994) The Bible is self-reflective and insular 995) Paul was a paranoid schitzotypal personality 996) Mark plagiarizes Esther 997) Christian racketeering 998) John the Baptist- the Rosetta Stone 999) Sanitizing Pontius Pilate 1000) Sacrifice of Jesus was plagiarized 1001) All claims of evidence are debunked 1002) Old Testament has unhealthy sexual attitudes 1003) Matthew and Luke have different emphasis 1004) Modern Technology versus Jesus’s miracles 1005) Bible plagiarizes itself 1006) Sabbath changed to attract pagans 1007) Most Christians don’t believe in Hell 1008) Christianity lacks orthodoxy 1009) God’s plan failed 1010) Missing historical records 1011) The mathematics of embellishment 1012) Jesus’s true words lost to history 1013) Mismatch of emphasis: kingdom versus life 1014) Iron chariots too powerful for God 1015) Religion is not exclusively human 1016) Christianity is a death cult 1017) Christianity can only exist if it’s false 1018) No hide and seek game lasts this long 1019) Jesus condemns everyone to Hell 1020) Does Christianity make sense? 1021) God makes people less moral 1022) Carpet bombing Christianity 1023) World more peaceful as it becomes more secular 1024) Censoring the Bible 1025) Zoroaster invented Christianity 1026) Christianity’s claim of monotheism is meaningless 1027) Jesus didn’t write anything 1028) God has watched every child molestation 1029) Christian mind control 1030) Too much reward for too little effort 1031) Virgin birth myth created a contradiction 1032) Christians, unlike Jews, took the Bible literally 1033) Bible admits it’s not inerrant 1034) No Roman records of Jesus 1035) Nothing new in Jesus’s deeds or words 1036) Christianity is a reflection of early sun worship 1037) Christianity is a perversion of the human psyche 1038) God is not omniscient or there’s no free will 1039) Virgins and volcanoes 1040) Universe’s immense size dwarfs Christianity 1041) Why are Jesus’s disciples revered? 1042) Passover nonsense 1043) If God died, how would we know? 1044) Science and religion are not compatible 1045) Happiest countries are the least religious 1046) No one wrote anything against Jesus 1047) The uniqueness test 1048) No true believers according to Bible 1049) The fallibility of memory 1050) Bible used to justify burning heretics 1051) Humans make better commandments than God 1052) Church leaders attitudes toward women 1053) Jesus’s prayer goes unanswered 1054) Amputees are not healed by prayer 1055) James, not Peter, led early Christians 1056) God is a dictator 1057) Fewer people are praying 1058) Problems with Jesus’s arrest 1059) The New Testament is selective propaganda 1060) Jesus’ death was strictly for God’s benefit 1061) Hell doctrine is crippling Christianity 1062) God’s advice for dealing with an unsolved murder 1063) Morality is a natural virtue 1064) NIV fraudulently removed a contradiction 1065) Settings for Mark and John are different 1066) No Gethsemane anguish in Gospel of John 1067) Memory dysfunction affected gospel fidelity 1068) Theodosius promoted Christian hegemony 1069) Jesus disqualifies himself as God 1070) Onward Christian soldiers 1071) Christianity is in its death throes 1072) Critical thinking turned off in religious minds 1073) Why was the tomb open? 1074) Jesus before Pilate 1075) Clement, the first Pope, didn’t view Jesus as a man 1076) The extinction of mythical creatures 1077) Jesus made mistakes with scripture 1078) Tower of Babel myth 1079) Lazarus from Luke to John 1080) The wrong universe 1081) Massaging scripture to prove Jesus died 1082) Gay conversion therapy 1083) The asymmetry of sin avoidance 1084) Jesus and animal sacrifice 1085) Higher education leads to less religiosity 1086) Jesus was not the Prince of Peace 1087) Bible missing real-time writings 1088) Response to Mosaic Law 1089) Jesus was not an admirable person 1090) Bias affects historians’ view of Jesus 1091) Rational theology 1092) Bible scholars become more liberal over time 1093) Saint Bernadette 1094) God is remorseful 1095) Passover events not claimed by other faiths 1096) The school fire analogy 1097) God’s uneven forgiveness 1098) God’s delay in worship gratification 1099) Following the Bible is either criminal or insane 1100) Prayer is logically unworkable 1101) Belief should not be rewarded 1102) The second coming is unnecessary 1103) Defenses of Christians’ bad behavior are lame 1104) The folly of a personal relationship with Jesus 1105) Abolition of Mosaic Law not communicated 1106) Morality: Atheists vs. Christians 1107) Jericho was in ruins at the time of Joshua 1108) Jesus flunks astronomy 1109) Belief in Hell vs. Heaven 1110) The cryonics conundrum 1111) The gospels are written like a play 1112) Luke distorts Jesus’s baptism 1113) Church councils were contradictory 1114) Christianity could not have been God’s plan 1115) Matthew fails to finish his lie 1116) The double-edged sword of Alzheimer’s 1117) Gods do not pray 1118) The time traveler dilemma 1119) Does God know everything? 1120) What Christianity does to people 1121) Jesus did not take the sinner’s punishment 1122) John the Baptist died in 36 CE 1123) The metaphor of the sacrifice of the Passover lamb 1124) The star of Bethlehem 1125) The miracle of the clothes 1126) John deletes nonsensical aspects of Jesus’s death 1127) Contradiction proves disciples didn’t write gospels 1128) Implausibility of the guard’s report 1129) Religion importance versus national prosperity 1130) Actions of the first Christians 1131) Post-resurrection reunion in Galilee 1132) Satanic Temple tenets 1134) Natural versus supernatural explanations 1134) Adding to the Bible 1135) Mark didn’t anticipate miraculous birth stories 1136) Robbers to rebels 1137) The parent and the unattended stove 1138) Matthew the maverick 1139) Misinterpreting blood 1140) Clergy committing crimes cannot believe in God 1141) Jesus misappropriates Moses’s prophecy 1142) The implausibility of non-Christian Jews 1143) Raptured and left-behind fetuses 1144) God’s inconsistent revelations 1145) Lack of evidence for Satan and demons 1146) Ancient historians did not meet modern standards 1147) The ascension reveals a primitive world view 1148) Jesus’s garden anguish makes no sense 1149) Homosexuality confers an evolutionary advantage 1150) God is not in control 1151) Hell serves no purpose 1152) Jesus avoided the big cities 1153) Christians say God made them the chosen people 1154) Jesus, compared to others, was not special 1155) God sees death as too light of a punishment 1156) Belief in Hell is not consistent with normal life 1157) The Tarahumara, runners and hunter gatherers 1158) Failed messages from God 1159) Jesus should still be in Hell 1160) Evidence for Jesus worse than for Julius Caesar 1161) Bipolar disorder 1162) John the Baptist didn’t know his cousin of 30 years 1163) Peter and the cock 1164) Live long and prosper 1165) Matthew’s blatant scriptural error 1166) The Athanasian Creed 1167) The beatitudes refute current Christian theology 1168) Women’s bodies were not designed by a creator 1169) Peter should be denied entry into Heaven 1170) Better to marry than to burn 1171) The lack of a shared humanity 1172) Adoptionism 1173) Paul’s epistles were edited 1174) Brain structure determines beliefs and behavior 1175) Biblical notable absences 1176) Unmitigated nonsense 1177) God disqualifies himself as a god 1178) The lies of fundamentalist Christianity 1179) Demons speaking 1180) The illogic of praying for conversion 1181) Moses was mistaken about a thousand things 1182) The fatal flaw with the story of Noah’s Ark 1183) Christians don’t know what scholars do 1184) God makes it hard to believe 1185) If God came today 1186) The commission of Peter is a myth 1187) Corrupting Paul’s letter 1188) Lot’s wife 1189) There are two New Testaments 1190) Misplaced star 1191) Yahweh’s wife 1192) How many women were at the tomb? 1193) John’s anachronistic mistake 1194) Palm Sunday is a myth 1195) When did Jesus start his ministry? 1196) Jews were entrapped by God 1197) God’s final act of genocide 1198) Jesus threatens to kill children 1199) Luke’s howling contradiction 1200) God promotes abortion as a form of punishment 1201) God reverses the Earth’s rotation 1202) Two explanations 1203) Mistake opens floodgates 1204) How people see and hear what is not real 1205) The convoluted path to salvation 1206) Chreia or Progymnastmata 1207) Christianity’s number one crime 1208) Mythicism case that Jesus didn’t exist is solid 1209) Tree of Knowledge and the death of Christianity 1210) The parable of the canoe trip 1211) God kills to make people follow him 1212) John’s gospel is uniquely anti-Semitic 1213) Mark’s allegory about a fig tree 1214) The failure of minimal facts apologetics 1215) Purification after childbirth 1216) The illusion of self 1217) The Seven Heavens 1218) Any sin however slight… 1219) Matthew misinterprets Jeremiah 1220) God insensitive to deadly misunderstanding 1221) Matthew and Luke originally had no birth story 1222) Christianity is based on political propaganda 1223) The myth of Judas Iscariot 1224) The Gospel of John is a mystical Jewish tale 1225) God’s caprice for killing 1226) Lack of a unified theory of atonement 1227) Forgiveness or not? 1228) Failed prophecies reveal the Bible’s fallibility 1229) Plato out-philosophizes Jesus 1230) Without Heaven Christianity would die 1231) Without Hell Christianity would die 1232) Jesus baptism story preceded birth story 1233) Early Christians did not believe Jesus was a man 1234) Matthew modifies Mark to redeem disciples 1235) Elijah is carried up into heaven 1236) The indoctrination of Christians 1237) Bible authors couldn’t anticipate the future 1238) Jesus ben Ananias and the 21 parallels 1239) Gospel of Mark lies about a failed prophecy 1240) The temple veil 1241) Dead Sea Scrolls do not mention Jesus 1242) God will damn some before death 1243) Why does Jesus need to return? 1244) Moses parallels to Jesus 1245) The Q Document probably didn’t exist 1246) Theologians punished for independent thinking 1247) Textual problems with the Old Testament 1248) Apostolic traditions not in modern Christianity 1249) The apocalypse scam 1250) Who was the first person sent to hell? 1251) Adultery in your heart 1252) Argument from consensus is fallacious 1253) Secular vs. Christian achievement 1254) Duplicate Bible verses 1255) Twins 1256) Chromosome 2 and the death of creationism 1257) Keeping the masses uninformed 1258) The Bible has no respect for consent 1259) Christianity obsessed with war and death threats 1260) The Bible Quiz 1261) Time gap gospel authorship to oldest manuscripts 1262) Jesus appeared only to die-hard believers plus one 1263) The Bible doesn’t set the moral bar very high 1264) Jesus did not have faith 1265) The intervention/omnipotence problem 1266) God favors Israelites, men, and virgins 1267) Christianity peddles paternalism 1268) Christianity’s role in the supernaturality fraud 1269) The arrogance of eternal life 1270) Science brings people together, religion divides 1271) How to find a wife according to the Bible 1272) Evidence supplied vs. standard of belief 1273) God is love? 1274) Freedom of thought 1275) Jewish morality no different than neighbors 1276) Jesus never made the seven “I am” statements 1277) God is a horrible ‘teacher’ 1278) Biblical family values are deplorable 1279) Chronological problems with the synoptic gospels 1280) Calendars 1281) Historical uncertainties 1282) Faith maintenance 1283) Extrapolation of scripture 1284) Mark’s Jesus vs. Luke’s Jesus 1285) Early documents know the least about Jesus 1286) Luke’s description of Nazareth is erroneous 1287) God and Satan are partners 1288) Seeing God 1289) No contemporary writings means no miracles 1290) The Testamonium Flavianum 1291) Characteristics of a true religion 1292) Foundational bias leads to logical fallacies 1293) Christians don’t recognize those of other eras 1294) God enjoys the aroma of burning flesh 1295) Jesus, the megalomaniac 1296) Jesus sinned 1297) The battlefield effect 1298) Fallacy of crediting the number of manuscripts 1299) Christians reject science but use its benefits 1300) Epistemic distance argument fails 1301) Miscarriages should not exist in a Christian world 1302) Hell is impossible 1303) Wishing replaces reason 1304) Christianity lacks a convergence point 1305) Characteristics of a mythological religion 1306) There should be no major false religions 1307) Defining God by the effectiveness of prayer 1308) The evolution of belief in the afterlife 1309) The shock collar analogy 1310) Explosion of books criticizing Christianity 1311) Paul credits authorities with God’s imprimatur 1312) Seven ways science debunked Christianity 1313) The Pirahã people 1314) Mark invented the Sea of Galilee 1315) Hell is humanity’s default destination 1316) Divine Miscommunication 1317) Epilepsy is caused by evil spirits 1318) Jesus was not the founder of the Christian faith 1319) The misleading role of coincidence 1320) Individual visions evolve into mass sightings 1321) The parable-less Gospel of John 1322) The end of the road for Christianity 1323) Jesus not a chip off the old block 1324) Ron Wyatt, the fraud 1325) Christians are brainwashed to accept genocide 1326) People at time of Jesus were unreliable witnesses 1327) Christians know Jesus was wrong about divorce 1328) Religious people understand the world less 1329) Omniscience versus free will 1330) Abiogenesis 1331) Paul’s improbable journey to Damascus 1332) The swoon theory, revisited 1333) Died-Again Christian syndrome 1334) The asymmetry of Christian sin economy 1335) Jesus mistakenly believes in the Exodus 1336) Churches reluctant to use lightning rods 1337) Author of Mark was not Peter’s companion 1338) Peter’s ordination is a forgery 1339) Acts was not written by Paul’s companion 1340) Less religious countries are the happiest 1341) Jesus’s ministry changes locations 1342) The Book of Revelation is of dubious legitimacy 1343) First 2 chapters of Luke & Matthew are forgeries 1344) The crucifixion stories are mythical 1345) God encourages confusion and division 1346) Religion makes children meaner 1347) Epistle of James not written by Jesus’s brother 1348) The Great Commission is a hoax 1349) DNA testing disproves weeping statue miracles 1350) Earliest New Testament writings destroyed 1351) The moral hypocrisy of Christians 1352) Marcion of Sinope 1353) Signal to noise ratio 1354) The age regression problem regarding an afterlife 1355) Dying and rising gods 1356) Woman’s promise needs father/husband approval 1357) The low cost of Christianity 1358) Jesus covers his ass 1359) Paul recalls non-existent scriptures 1360) A true god wouldn’t use human communication 1361) Bible written by and only by ardent believers 1362) Naked contradictions in the Gospel of Mark 1363) Matthew puts anachronistic words in Jesus’ mouth 1364) Angel to the rescue for Matthew author 1365) The overuse of the number ‘7’ in Revelation 1366) God changes mind about women rulers 1367) Paul’s doctrine inflicts harm on society 1368) The pope who told the truth 1369) Christian concepts collide in wake of tragedies 1370) God’s action show he is not omnipotent 1371) Six forged Pauline epistles shouldn’t be in the Bible 1372) The Trinity was unknown to the Jews 1373) Infancy gospels 1374) Regrettable interpolation in 2 Corinthians 1375) Your clone is not you 1376) Victims of the Christian faith 1377) Commentaries belie Josephus’ attestation of Jesus 1378) Supernatural beliefs remain unverified 1379) Hell is eternal 1380) Bible highlights God’s limited communication skills 1381) God: from the sublime to the ridiculous 1382) The flip side of the Lazarus story 1383) Christian salvation doctrine fails logic test 1384) No good way to recognize the existence of a god 1385) Jesus confirms he is separate from the Holy Spirit 1386) Four gods 1387) Christian tampering with Jewish scripture 1388) To be childlike or not 1389) Bible’s confused attitude to disease and hygiene 1390) A reclusive god to blame for family emotional pain 1391) God pursued a losing proposition 1392) A painless hell is still an absurdity 1393) Jesus was not famous 1394) Jesus could heal only those persons who had faith 1395) A broad study of religion leads to atheism 1396) Seeing the total landscape of the world’s religions 1397) Christian prayer is irrational 1398) Christianity must concede some obvious truths 1399) Conception of Jesus 1400) Jesus speaks an anachronism 1401) The real miracles, scriptures, saints, and gods 1402) Massaging scripture to absolve Jesus of sorcery 1403) Disillusioned Christian time travelers 1404) The new Jesus trilemma 1405) Christianity introduced nothing new 1406) No diverted disasters defying physics 1407) God fails to deliver evidentiary needs 1408) Christmas is better than Christ 1409) The failing uniqueness of human biology 1410) Shakespeare outwrites God 1411) Drop in miracles after invention of video capture 1412) Russell’s Teapot 1413) Genetic disorders 1414) Jesus acts like a tyrannical Roman emperor 1415) God’s actions harm innocent people 1416) The Bible states the Earth is flat 1417) The naked boy and the Secret Gospel of Mark 1418) Seven evidential proofs of scriptural tampering 1419) Punishing child to forgive future sin of others 1420) Religion should be soaring, but it’s not 1421) Paul failed to note virgin birth when he needed to 1422) Human biology is not unique 1423) Deity-based religion stems from hallucination 1424) Modern church versus the early church 1425) A contradiction cannot exist in reality 1426) The Lord’s battle instructions 1427) Paul never quoted Jesus or mentioned hell 1428) Scripture not revered by early church as today 1429) The impotence of a personal relationship with God 1430) Luke plagiarized Kings in Old Testament 1431) Jesus did not fulfill the Law 1432) Christianity falls apart in the face of evil 1433) Parallel stories in Gospel of Luke 1434) The curious tale of Jesus’s missing body 1435) Ring structure in the gospels 1436) Gospel writers were trained to produce fiction 1437) Tale of Barabbas symbolic of Yom Kippur 1438) Matthew changed Mark’s relaxation of Torah law 1439) Bible numerology 1440) The last Christian dies 1441) Least righteous in heaven, most righteous in hell 1442) Peoples’s word was all they had 1443) Punishing unbelief is immoral 1444) A Bible literalist’s nightmare 1445) The parable of the bridge builders 1446) Christianity destroys minds 1447) Alexander the Great/Jesus parallel 1448) The de-mystification of consciousness 1449) Christianity uses tools not needed if it was true 1450) What if Christianity is true? 1451) Christians praise a god less moral than themselves 1452) God’s incompetent control of evolution 1453) Debunking apologist second coming excuses 1454) Paul in Acts is just a better version of Jesus 1455) God plays with shit 1456) Christian scholars rely on loose standards 1457) Who needs God? 1458) Casting lots 1459) Ezekiel prophetically warns of Paul’s heresy 1460) General anesthesia proves non-existence of a soul 1461) Multiple religions can exist only if they are all false 1462) The fate of Jews after death 1463) Multiple endings to the Gospel of Mark 1464) Dismissing better documented miracle claims 1465) The failure of testable claims 1466) Editing out a contradiction 1467) The six stages of scriptural development 1468) Reason and philosophy dissed by Christian elites 1469) Consequences of religion displacing science 1470) Genesis author missed a very important point 1471) Evolution and Christianity cannot both be true 1472) New science proves that free will does not exist 1473) Early Christians manipulated the historical record 1474) God, the abusive boyfriend 1475) The chicken soup analogy 1476) The Talmud 1477) Core theory 1478) Why the Socrates argument fails 1479) An indifferent universe 1480) Scientists more atheistic as they gain experience 1481) Genocide of the Canaanites was unjustified 1482) Invalid prophecy about Judas 1483) Organic matter on Ceres 1484) Jesus was hostile to his enemies 1485) Jesus tells followers to not resist evil 1486) Logical incoherency of the afterlife 1487) Unreliable eyewitness claim 1488) All known gods are human inventions 1489) The Jews were not taught about heaven and hell 1490) The inefficient creationist god 1491) The asymmetry of god claims 1492) Christians dismiss other resurrection claims 1493) What Christianity has yet to prove 1494) Extracting legitimate evidence for Christianity 1495) God, the racist 1496) Marital redemption 1497) You say…God says 1498) Christianity originated from a bunch of losers 1499) Forgery to make Jesus divine at birth 1500) Atom smasher proves ghosts don’t exist 1501) Christianity’s use of the hero/villain mythotype 1502) The existence of debates 1503) The Bible’s many gods 1504) Math of the Great Flood 1505) Summary of Christianity’s Problems 1506) The Great Schism of 1054 1507) Dissociative Identity Disorder 1508) The blindness of early conversion 1509) Why does God no longer speak audibly? 1510) Musical instruments in heaven 1511) Life after death fantasies 1512) The demise of dualism 1513) The Sermon on the Mount was plagiarized 1514) Timing of receiving the Holy Spirit 1515) Paul acknowledges Jesus was not historical 1516) The Bible is not pro-life 1517) A localized god can’t be the creator of the universe 1518) Describing God 1519) Jesus mistakes sin forgiveness 1520) Parallel to Pythagoras 1521) The Ascension of Isaiah 1522) Contradiction about the Canaanite expulsion 1523) Yahweh is not perfect 1524) Thomas and Jesus 1525) Quantum effects refute Kalam causal argument 1526) Christian doctrine was pushed by a pagan emperor 1527) Paul’s illogical post-conversion actions 1528) Christians are polytheistic 1529) The test of false prophets 1530) Mind control 1531) The absense of simplicity 1532) Jesus is analogous to Dracula and Vlad the Impaler 1533) Christianity is a sick belief system 1534) Facts needed to convince an atheist 1535) Christian ‘born again’ meme was plagiarized 1536) John removes Jesus’s humanity and Jewishness 1537) Gospel authors fail to reveal sources 1538) The evolving story of Peter’s calling 1539) Gospels written for the less well educated 1540) The gospels lack sufficient detail 1541) Overuse of miracles in the gospels 1542) God’s abominable dealings with Samson 1543) The Bible is inconsistent on incest 1544) Resurrection riddles 1545) Ezekiel was a crazy shaman 1546) Salvation according to the Bible 1547) Stance on heaven and hell 1548) The scandal of particularity 1549) The Roswell Analogy 1550) Comparing Jesus to Jehovah 1551) Betty Crocker 1552) Script mining versus prophecy fulfillment 1553) The strongest argument 1554) God flunks the design of the human eye 1555) A universe of false beliefs 1556) The Beatles analogy 1557) The strange selection of Paul 1558) Jesus’s will is different from God’s 1559) Hateful churches follow the Bible more closely 1560) St. Genevieve 1561) God fails important prayer test 1562) The missing miracle 1563) The faith conundrum 1564) Brain damage correlates to religiosity 1565) Jesus did not explain the New Covenant 1566) From stoning to tassels 1567) The baby killing test 1568) Paul’s fate 1569) Language miracle and a failed prediction 1570) Egyptian gods at work 1571) Hippocrates and Jesus 1572) Creating God in one’s image 1573) Finding the black cat 1574) Matthew meant to be allegorical 1575) Evolution of apology 1576) Christians and charity 1577) Jesus studies are burdened by flawed scholarship 1578) Arguments for a soulless existence 1579) Matthew, the awful historian 1580) The existence of multiple languages 1581) The comparison of skeptics 1582) Snake oil 1583) God fails to stop evil done in his name 1584) God’s accommodation failure 1585) The atonement analogy 1586) The Bible fails language history 1587) The symmetry of god creation 1588) Eyewitnesses collaborate 1589) Jesus/Elijah parallels 1590) Dead men stay dead 1591) King Solomon’s gold mines 1592) God condemns himself 1593) Special pleading 1594) Borrowings from other religions 1595) Lack of early writings 1596) The Bible is wrong about the Canaanite purge 1597) Christianity’s unbroken record of failure 1598) King James translation reveals human hands 1599) Names of the apostles 1600) Minimum requirements for salvation 1601) The fourth dimension 1602) The evolution of Yahweh 1603) Magic 1604) Men twice as likely to be atheist as women 1605) The evolved Jesus 1606) Luke and Josephus 1607) Jesus returns 1608) Bible not meant to be taken literally 1609) No prophecies of a resurrected Christ 1610) The God command conundrum 1611) Sweating blood 1612) What did Jesus look like? 1613) The fallacy of the empty tomb argument 1614) God gives a sign that he withholds today 1615) The presuppositions of atheism 1616) The desire to believe 1617) Theism versus naturalism 1618) Paul was a crazy person 1619) Sybil Ludington 1620) God’s emotional dilemma 1621) Progressive revelation 1622) God orders adultery 1623) Forced convergence 1624) Religion as a social construct 1625) An observer god is the same as no god 1626) Jesus birth stories cast doubt on his existence 1627) The Bible is not perfect nor other-worldly brilliant 1628) The murderer/victim paradox 1629) Believers have a poor grasp of the physical world 1630) American Revolution violated scripture 1631) The moral priorities of the Bible are senseless 1632) Hell was not invented until after 70 CE 1633) Why God allows churches to be destroyed 1634) Free will cannot absolve God of evil 1635) Jesus uses a Greek translation instead of Hebrew 1636) The improbability of the Christian god 1637) Christianity did not flow out of Judaism 1638) Paul said to fear demons, not Romans 1639) Paul did not know that the Romans killed Jesus 1640) Evidence for why Jesus was probably mythical 1641) Fraternal birth-order effect 1642) God is not the source of morality 1643) Forgery silences women in church 1644) Scientology parallels Christianity 1645) Christians must admit that Satan is a god 1646) God worship indicates religion was made my man 1647) Money needs show absence of Christianity’s god 1648) Distorting scripture to equate Jesus with God 1649) God’s loathsome view of women 1650) The evidential factor 1651) The Bible condones kidnapping 1652) Christianity requires immaterial intellgence 1653) Bible too poorly written to be inspired by God 1654) Moving gods to explain why they can’t be seen 1655) Children’s books reveal the untruth of Christianity 1656) The most likely resurrection reality 1657) Penis shape belies Christian dogma 1658) Christianity’s traits render it less likely to be true 1659) Christian sin paradigm inconsistent with evolution 1660) Virginity proof could not be of God 1661) Mistranslation to support crucifixion theme 1662) Disproving the trinity with a single verse 1663) The Thirty Years War 1664) The four gods of Christianity 1665) Neanderthal culture 1666) Argument from absence 1667) Christianity needs government support 1668) Believers endow God with their beliefs 1669) God and Republicans 1670) Parkinson’s and religion 1671) Testimony over data 1672) Matthew and Luke didn’t think Mark was inspired 1673) Fabricated discourse in John 1674) Calming the storm 1675) John’s gospel missing synoptic core 1676) Paul’s mission to Jews or Gentiles? 1677) The rich man paradox 1678) Andromeda strain 1679) Born in Hell 1680) John fumbles his fiction 1681) Exploiting the fear of death 1682) Religiosity and governmental services 1683) No plan unless you’re Jewish 1684) Only 1 in 2500 Palestinian Jews became Christian 1685) Moving the Sabbath 1686) Bible condones what is illegal today 1687) The Bible in a nutshell 1688) The failure of the cosmological argument 1689) Infant mortality 1690) Hebrews misappropriates 2 Samuel 1691) Indignant or filled with compassion? 1692) God streaks for Moses 1693) 12 horrible ideas foisted by religion 1694) Praying for rain 1695) Jesus as Satan’s agent 1696) Questions for God 1697) Jesus did not create a New Covenant 1698) Jesus destroys the Trinity 1699) Saved by grace or deeds 1700) Absurdity of Christianity’s central doctrine 1701) Miracle of the Holy Fire 1702) Christians don’t believe in Yahweh 1703) Maintaining God’s non-falsifiability 1704) Magic independent of Yahweh 1705) Volume of criticism 1706) Argument from entropy 1707) Inconsistent healing 1708) The Bible promotes ethnic purity 1709) Jesus is a failed role model 1710) Misunderstanding space-time 1711) Erasing history 1712) Massacres not recorded by oppressed parties 1713) Genesis error explained 1714) Conjoined twins 1715) God stops responding to tests 1716) Bible promotes what it should condemn 1717) All religions appear man made 1718) Christianity’s early diversity 1719) Jesus never explained the Trinity 1720) Prince of Peace? 1721) Unchanging laws of nature 1722) God fails to use modern technology 1723) Jealousy and worship 1724) Usury 1725) Caligula versus Jesus 1726) Jewish theology changed after the Exile 1727) Yahweh, the sky god 1728) Exorcism trick 1729) Infanticidal god 1730) Resurrection as a ghost story 1731) Incarnation makes no sense 1732) Mental illness treatment 1733) God uses human methods 1734) Translation errors cloud Bible meaning 1735) Resurrection story embedded within clear myths 1736) Lack of continuous revelation 1737) God has no need to forgive humans 1738) God, the pathetic engineer 1739) Lack of discontinuous parameters 1740) God’s sense of justice 1741) The Bible’s biggest contradiction 1742) Old Testament doublets 1743) God’s hygiene 1744) God is guilty of the crime he accuses the damned 1745) Early Christians did not use a cross 1746) Jesus selected the wrong apostles 1747) Near-earth asteroids 1748) God is cruel 1749) Christianity as a fairy tale 1750) Christianity’s god is a crybaby 1751) Afterlife would be of no interest to a god 1752) Christians don’t believe Bible is the word of God 1753) The closed world of god belief 1754) Western values are not based on Christianity 1755) Child indoctrination destroys Christian justice 1756) Jesus dying on the cross foreshadows hell 1757) There is no art (or moral) guru 1758) Four reasons to disbelieve in God 1759) Leviticus originally didn’t condemn homosexuality 1760) God can no longer answer prayers 1761) Failed defenses of the Bible’s embarrassments 1762) The death of female gods 1763) Problems with biblical prophecy 1764) The Bible’s most obvious contradiction 1765) Absurdities of Jesus’s conception 1766) Missing footprint of demons 1767) Ten steps to God’s non-existence 1768) Japanese defy Christian logic 1769) No angels equals no Christianity 1770) Brain injury changes moral judgment 1771) Jesus came to send people to hell 1772) Jesus couldn’t have been fully human and fully god 1773) God is not required to stop evil, but humans are 1774) Rapture problems 1775) Jesus planned for most people to go to hell 1776) Bible authors were in the dark 1777) Manipulating prophecy 1778) God’s grievous error 1779) Test for supernatural power in churches 1780) Christianity was born out of End Times failure 1781) Ancient science texts are more reliable 1782) God fails to arrest apostasy 1783) False beliefs hard to shake 1784) Origins of YHWH 1785) People are using a flawed method to find God 1786) Christian exclusivism 1787) Once saved, always saved? 1788) A more plausible explanation for the empty tomb 1789) Luke rejects atonement doctrine 1790) Divergence of style in John 1791) Blood and Water 1792) Embellishing Jesus’s burial 1793) Christianity more irrational than Judaism or Islam 1794) Exorcism by telepathy 1795) Luke changes Jesus’s words for failing to return 1796) Paul distorts Deuteronomy for his agenda 1797) Gnostic Christians 1798) Christians concocted original sin out of thin air 1799) The history of hell 1800) Paul and the empty tomb 1801) John’s lie about burial spices 1802) American revelation added unnecessary suffering 1803) Killing rebellious children 1804) Jesus’s disciples versus Jim Jones 1805) Christianity’s crumbling foundation 1806) Seneca’s silence forged away 1807) How to recognize God? 1808) The Clergy Project 1809) Answers believers give for tragedies 1810) Alternate view of what caused resurrection belief 1811) Humans out-communicate God 1812) Two Jesus’s? 1813) Christianity is a failed religion 1814) Excluding the event that got Jesus killed 1815) The university professor analogy 1816) Multiple witness rule 1817) The Bible is badly written 1818) Anti-abortion translation 1819) New Testament is mired in a pre-scientific world 1820) Religious beliefs lead to depression 1821) The Christian god is an idiot 1822) Mark makes the disciples dumb 1823) No time for a god to exist 1824) Four-count knockout of Christianity 1825) The burden of defending Christianity 1826) Author of confusion 1827) God worshiping a fallen angel? 1828) List of mistakes made by God 1829) Moral laws 1830) Mary loses her sons 1831) Prayer works or it doesn’t 1832) The ‘sin’ of disbelief is a human invention 1833) Evidence from politics 1834) Believing fake news 1835) Matthew defuses stolen body theory 1936) Holy Spirit erases itself 1837) The parable of the meadow 1838) Jesus and the Baal cycle 1839) How do we know God wrote the Bible? 1840) Religious theroy is useless 1841) Outsider’s look at the Bible 1842) Predicting the future in a Christian world 1843) How best to bury Christianity 1844) God’s inefficient use of intermediaries 1845) Logistics of Jesus’ caravan 1846) Salvation hard cases 1847) God and World War I 1848) Christianity’s fatal flaw 1849) God and the Flood 1850) The Ten Commandments establish a theocracy 1851) Christian euphemisms 1852) God’s plan in action 1853) Visualizing the carnage ordered by God 1854) Paul did not believe in a bodily resurrection 1855) God is a reflection of those who invented him 1856) The gospels are products of their time 1857) Who needs gospels? 1858) Challenging question concerning the Bible 1859) John makes a mistake in logic 1860) The Wet Monkey Theory 1861) Questions concerning God’s theoretical death 1862) God waits centuries to tell us about Hell 1863) Bible fumbles resurrection process 1864) Discrepancy in time of crucifixion 1865) God’s Q and A 1866) Truth needs little defense 1867) God is immoral 1868) Matthew vs. Luke birth narratives 1869) Using remoteness to propagate the Jesus myth 1870) Awareness of death led to invention of the soul 1871) According to scripture, everyone is damned 1872) God’s sickening choice 1873) Christianity has all the characteristics of a cult 1874) Why liberal Christianity fails 1875) Satan is more powerful than God 1876) God fails to protect Christian missionaries 1877) The art of self-deception 1878) Jesus’s primary mission failed 1879) God has no interest in non-Jews 1880) If Christianity is true, then… 1881) Yahweh has no class 1882) Gospel mysteries 1883) Archaeology disproves Christian persecution 1884) God is either limited or evil 1885) The evolution of a Christian’s prayers 1886) Uncertainties concerning hell 1887) Belief in eternity prevented nuanced justice 1888) Discrepancy in date of crucifixion 1889) Christian values 1890) Forty ways Christianity poisons the world 1891) Bible authors disagree over prophecy 1892) Jesus is made more powerful in John 1893) Gospels missing for 100 years after Jesus 1894) Paul didn’t know that Jesus raised dead people 1895) Lack of First Century pilgrimages 1896) John edited to patch Luke/Matthew discrepancy 1897) Mark suggests no empty tomb 1898) Matthew’s blatant contradiction 1899) The end is near? 1900) Jesus, the cult leader 1901) Differing baptism stories 1902) Dietary law discrepancy 1903) Matthew covers for Mary’s indiscretion 1904) The disappearance of important events 1905) Do not call anyone on earth ‘father.’ 1906) Shut out non-believers 1907) Bethlehem birth prophecy is false 1908) King David was a despicable person 1909) Christian scholarship is censored 1910) Religion is not a perception of reality 1911) Christianity over-relies on human testimony 1912) Unclaimed prizes for proof of the paranormal 1913) Jewish War ended true Christianity 1914) Child mothers belie interventionalist god 1915) Christianity is both false and immoral 1916) Scriptures deny free will 1917) Christian persecution by Nero is a myth 1918) God’s gender problem 1919) The wasted space of the Bible 1920) God’s inferior rules for evidence 1921) God places his needs about ours 1922) Why did the biblical canon close when it did? 1923) Cultural diffusion influenced Christianity 1924) The supreme act of evil 1925) Literary allusions in Mark were misunderstood 1926) Matthew pollutes Christianity with astrology 1927) Matthew’s nonsensical Egypt story 1928) Both Baby Jesus stories are false 1929) Mary’s lack of consent 1930) Erasing Jesus’s baptism 1931) The bronze snake pole 1932) No writings from Jesus’s direct followers 1933) Religiosity correlates to science illiteracy 1934) The evolution of Satan 1935) The atonement is illogical 1936) Beasts in heaven 1937) Christian divorces more rooted in immorality 1938) The Law of Large Numbers 1939) The Bible diminishes God’s omnipotence 1940) The body/spirit split 1941) Jesus’s charity sermons were self-serving 1942) God is Satan? 1943) The Hero Savior of Vietnam 1944) The failure of the free will argument 1945) Scientific reasons to disbelieve 1946) Where God chose to appear 1947) Christianity harms children 1948) Platitudes and excuses 1949) Stoning 1950) Israelites borrowed Yahweh from the Midianites 1951) Essenes and Greeks elevated Satan’s status 1952) Circumcision, menstruation, and gender equality 1953) Fifty reasons to dislike Jesus 1954) The origin of evil spirits 1955) Burning people to death 1956) Christian marriages 1957) Why the Exodus makes no sense 1958) The Good Book? 1959) God is not a nice person 1960) The true Jesus miracle 1961) It’s God’s fault if atheists go to Hell 1962) Mailing body parts 1963) Test for God-given morality 1964) God worship based on ignorance 1965) God’s two wives 1966) God violates his own commandment 1967) The biblical value of a human life 1968) Religion as a tyranny 1969) Bacteria and faith 1970) Celibacy and chastity 1971) The fallacy of Jesus’ love command 1972) Why gods probably don’t exist 1973) Self-identity disorders 1974) How memories change over time 1975) Science is more important to God than salvation 1976) Wine and prophecy 1977) Misconstruing volcanoes fueled concept of hell 1978) Doublethink 1979) Biblical gender roles 1980) Jesus’s vacant birth date 1981) God failed to communicate 1982) No mention of Winter in the gospels 1983) God not needed for origin of life 1984) Lack of ascension shrine 1985) Jesus crucifixion words are all from scripture 1986) Christianity’s problem with alien life 1987) The cliff analogy of Christian morality 1988) Hell invented out of a desire for justice 1989) Christian elites afflicted with psychotic disorders 1990) Mythological backdrop to Jesus’s water walk 1991) Unbalanced use of scripture made Jesus divine 1992) Asymmetric conversion 1993) Christianity’s principal foundation is fear 1994) Christians stole a religion not intended for them 1995) God allegedly uses mass revelations 1996) Visions in Galilee started the Easter faith 1997) Mark’s gambit failed 1998) Christianity before Paul 1999) The Sabbath dispute 2000) Heaven and Hell cannot coexist 2001) Editing the canon 2002) Jesus’s temptation based on pagan tradition 2003) Tomb burial improbability 2004) The time-symmetric theory of creation 2005) God’s narcissistic personality disorder 2006) A grain of sand on the beach 2007) God contradicts Jesus’ parables 2008) Empty tomb theme was common 2009) Independence versus interdependence 2010) Differing causes for the crucifixion 2011) Direct speech 2012) Paul’s vision location 2013) Jesus did not predict his resurrection 2014) The James problem for Christianity 2015) Gospels are hagiography, not biography 2016) The shepherd and sheep metaphor 2017) Jesus story written to mimic ancient prophets 2018) Jerusalem entrance contradictions 2019) The Peter/Ezekiel parallel in Acts 2020) Peter, Paul, and Jesus 2021) Acts exaggerates Christian growth rate 2022) Post-resurrection anomaly 2023) Deconstructing Christian beliefs 2024) God’s family values 2025) Egypt prophecy failure 2026) Bible’s answer for suffering is unclear 2027) Paul’s credentials under suspicion 2028) Punishing those who do not know God 2029) John corrects Mark’s ‘mistake’ 2030) Ear-slicing fiction 2031) Is the Old Covenant still in effect? 2032) Holy Spirit was a late invention 2033) The New Testament reads like a cult 2034) Jewish rejection of Christianity 2035) Misquoting Jeremiah 2036) Christianity changed Judaism’s Satan 2037) Jesus’ sacrifice was illegitimate 2038) No witnesses of the resurrection 2039) Stephen’s error-filled speech 2040) 2048 Resurrection stories 2041) Isaiah 53 fails as a prophecy of Jesus 2042) Fetal rapture 2043) Jesus and Joseph Smith false prophecy 2044) God the dominator, Christians the submissives 2045) Moses makes God change his mind 2046) Did God change or did he deceive? 2047) Convenient defenses of Christianity 2048) John’s gospel separated Christianity from Judaism 2049) Eyeglasses were not yet invented 2050) Will Jesus separate a mother from her children? 2051) Ensoulment 2052) Jesus dodges his hypocrisy 2053) Matthew and Luke omit Mark’s story 2054) Peter walks on the water 2055) Why did Jesus pray? 2056) Human’s defective interpretation of tragedy 2057) Apologist fails to explain Bible evils 2058) Mark’s passion narrative flavored by later events 2059) Mistiming the temple cleansing event 2060) The growing legend of Joseph of Arimathea 2061) Biography of Jesus is impossible 2062) Christianity’s genealogy subterfuge 2063) Disciples’ skepticism questioned 2064) The donkey prophecy 2065) Bible factual errors 2066) Acts-Galatians conflict 2067) Church took advantage of evolution ignorance 2068) God’s ethical defects 2069) Inventing a god to justify atrocities 2070) The widow’s mite 2071) Defects of memory 2072) Deconstructing Paul’s appearances claim 2073) Defiling biblical values 2074) King David and God’s justice 2075) Christian god is an insult to godhood 2076) Hell destroys the foundations of morality 2077) Satan is morally superior to God 2078) Ignorance found God 2079) God’s attitude in everyday vernacular 2080) The gullibility factor 2081) Comparing truth claims of different religions 2082) Paul’s inexplicable scripture reference 2083) God’s limited communication 2084) Annotations in the Bible expose its fallibility 2085) Christianity’s big ten syllogistic failures 2086) Paul never wrote of his conversion 2087) God and the perpetual miracle 2088) Lasting versus everlasting 2089) Evidence that Jesus’ nativity is lore 2090) Magic in the Bible 2091) Twenty centuries of misogyny 2092) Christianity’s persecution complex 2093) Sports and religion 2094) Biblical health care 2095) Biblical view of childhood 2096) Did Yahweh initially fail to identify himself? 2097) Christian attitude toward homosexuality 2098) Paul didn’t know about Judas 2099) The Bible is a set of competing stories 2100) Paul never sought out Jesus’ teachings 2101) An irrational designer 2102) Paul didn’t view Jesus as being born of a woman 2103) Prayer ineffectiveness sullies promise of heaven 2104) Over-reactive facial recognition 2105) Christianity’s brilliant marketing strategy 2106) Christian creationist illogicality 2107) God has traits of an abuser 2108) Christianity is not really monotheistic 2109) Mark inadvertently leaves a clue 2110) Mark makes Jesus prescient 2111) Christianity stole baptism from pagan traditions 2112) What it would take to convert an atheist 2113) The condensed history of religion 2114) Doctrine of Hell engendered unspeakable cruelty 2115) Faith stripped down 2116) A world made for man 2117) Moralizing gods came after civilization growth 2118) Evidence for the resurrection 2119) Chimeras 2120) The fallacy of the free gift 2121) Mark written to discredit the disciples 2122) Mark misinterpreted as actual history 2123) Why no written record? 2124) The rabbit’s foot 2125) Judas was not a real person 2126) The absurdity of the ‘free’ choice 2127) The Croatian Holocaust 2128) The prayer conundrum 2129) Jesus approved of corporal punishment 2130) Jewish apocalypticism influenced Jesus 2131) The unlucky date of birth 2132) Prayer- the adult manifestation of infantile crying 2133) The absence of logic 2134) Atheism is free from seduction 2135) Mark had no reliable sources 2136) Jesus said Moses will send Jews to hell 2137) The USA is not a Christian nation 2138) The incomprehensible Bible god 2139) The prayer-free will conflict 2140) Freak accidents 2141) Prominent atheists leading people to hell 2142) Mountains of bad decisions 2143) Programmed beliefs 2144) Conscious mind goes along for the ride 2145) Giant Nephilites 2146) Humans worship themselves 2147) Paul and Mark conflict 2148) Post-internecine slaughter revelation? 2149) Christian sarcophagi contradicts scripture 2150) Is the Bible really holy? 2151) The zero curiosity factor 2152) Hiding the Bible 2153) Acid test for Christianity 2154) Homosexuality and the Bible 2155) Jesus’ sacrifice inconsistent with OT god 2156) Jesus’ ambiguous age 2157) Left behind pets 2158) God violates people’s free will 2159) Jesus lied about prayer 2160) Biblical seance 2161) Undercutting Christianity’s foundation 2162) Creating urgency 2163) Resurrection contradiction 2164) Old Testament law still in effect 2165) Ancient miracles better attested than gospels 2166) Whose fault is it? 2167) Eight-step slam dunk 2168) Yahweh might have been created by a greater god 2169) The case against belief 2170) Undeniable existence needed for Christian god 2171) Mark written to explain Jewish War outcome 2172) Grading Christians using Jesus’ ‘test’ 2173) Religion creates two problems that God ignored 2174) Jesus used prayer to heal 2175) God of Judaism irreconcilable with Christian god 2176) Visions accepted as reality 2177) Jesus should have thrown the first stone 2178) The one percent god 2179) The case against Pauline scripture 2180) Jesus condemned people for their ancestor’s sins 2181) The power failure problem 2182) The better plan problem 2183) No afterlife redemption or apostasy 2184) The mommy analogy 2185) Luke written to convert followers of Augustus 2186) Why the Old Testament is so brutal 2187) Male gods take over fertility 2188) Limbo doctrine changed to compete with Islam 2189) The case against God 2190) Cruel and unusual punishment 2191) Principles of regularity 2192) Disproportionate punishment 2193) Misquoting Jesus 2194) Quotes attacking religion 2195) Cannibalism in the Bible 2196) The locality problem 2197) Mark written to advance Paul’s theology 2198) Feeding the multitudes problem 2199) Allegory of water walking 2200) Axioms of atheism 2201) Advanced archaeology fails to confirm Genesis 2202) How hell became eternal 2203) God is NOT love 2204) Glossolalia and science 2205) Jesus’ crucifixion endorsed a barbaric practice 2206) Early Christians prosecuted, not persecuted 2207) Jesus contradicts himself in the same gospel 2208) Jesus the parrot 2209) Ivan Karamazov 2210) Credulity 2211) Why Christians are strangled by their faith 2212) Passover myth created during reign of King Josiah 2213) Judeo-Christian values expression delayed 2214) Jesus was not a pacifist 2215) The god invention theory 2216) Preselection of the saved 2217) The real Bible 2218) Gaslighting 2219) Selective attribution 2220) Tacitus evidence of Jesus is flawed 2221) Failure of divine command theory 2222) Religion is a guessing game 2223) The atonement is both absurd and horrible 2224) Jesus gives bad advice 2225) The right hand of God 2226) The immorality of declaring something scriptural 2227) Belief in Christianity is irrational 2228) The magic word 2229) Jesus the epileptic 2230) Comparing miracle claims 2231) Women and livestock 2232) Reasonable non-belief 2233) Morality from God or elsewhere? 2234) God’s regret 2235) Missing Nobel Prize 2236) The demand for perfection 2237) Occupations that lead to atheism 2238) God’s misplaced involvement 2239) God and Charles Manson 2240) Just world hypothesis 2241) Christian forgiveness is nonsensical 2242) Hating Jesus 2243) Fifteen days with Peter 2244) God kills children of sinners 2245) Christianity fails a test of simple observation 2246) Symbolic ‘young man’ 2247) Three Abrahamic religions 2248) The Bible’s biggest plot hole 2249) The Hebrew bible is not a Christian monolith 2250) Tomb guard is fiction 2251) Killing the wrong Jesus 2252) The Bible’s chronology criterion 2253) Bible authors flummoxed by science 2254) Christianity is a rigged scheme 2255) Natural selection of cults 2256) Ancient gods were more interesting 2257) The Bible needs an update 2258) Evidence- importance mismatch 2259) Omniscient narration 2260) Atheism can exist in only one world 2261) The case against onmibenevolence 2262) God was not always all-knowing 2263) Jesus talking about himself 2264) Changing why Jesus died 2265) New Testament world view 2266) The ‘sin’ of unbelief 2267) God’s racial bias 2268) Prayers ALWAYS answered 2269) Conflicting creation stories 2270) Healing through objects and touch 2271) Matthew’s chronological mistake 2272) Trinity became a Binary 2273) Being at war with yourself 2274) Ten Commandments reflect ancient standards 2275) Religion is the earliest form of science fiction 2276) The sad story of the Jewish people 2777) More faith than John the Baptist 2278) Biblical dermatology 2279) Scientific defense of atheism 2280) Gospel of John issues 2281) Death premonition dreams 2282) Mary Magdalene diminished 2283) Jesus’ attitude to disciples trends in gospels 2284) Avoiding the cruelest punishment 2285) John’s made up story to glorify faith 2286) Old Testament apocalypticism 2287) Creation claim failure 2288) Christianity says nothing about reality 2289) Science bests supernaturalism 2290) From poly- to monotheism 2291) God refuses to address gay marriage 2292) What Christians cannot consider 2293) Jesus encourages abandonment 2294) History and fiction in the Bible 2295) Elephantine papyri cast doubt on Torah historicity 2296) The collapsed bridge analogy 2297) The Murchison meteorite 2298) The one-god hypothesis 2299) Atheists smarter than agnostics 2300) No comparison shopping 2301) Income versus religious group 2302) Growth of false religions 2303) The Noah plot hole 2304) Modern-day pseudepigraphy 2305) Shoehorning evolution into Christianity 2306) Jesus is responsible for OT abominations 2307) The real end times 2308) Jesus the asshole 2309) Superficial Christianity 2310) Hands versus wrists 2311) Chosen people/promised land 2312) Religious fantasy literature 2313) The Gospel of James 2314) Jesus let others speak for him 2315) Gospel authors/eyewitnesses separation 2316) Reconstructing Jesus after the fact 2317) Fatima miracle of the sun 2318) Very few Christians are following Jesus 2319) Denominations that discourage medical care 2320) The Lord’s Prayer is offensive 2321) Levite Yahweh vs. Aaronid Yahweh 2322) Made-up stories to send a warning 2323) Religion itself does not make people live longer 2324) Jesus is an enigma 2325) Timeframe of God’s revelation to mankind 2326) Verses missing in the NIV translation 2327) Christian forgiveness inferior to Islam/Judaism 2328) Embarrassment criterion 2329) Pascal’s Wager dissected 2330) Anachronisms pollute the Bible 2331) Oral history 2332) Abrahamic covenant was about nationhood 2333) Christians massacre Jews over the plague 2334) The Bible vs. the Geneva Convention 2335) God is responsible for all evil 2336) Philip and the eunuch 2337) Mark ignited the gospels 2338) Resurrection vs. crossing the Rubicon 2339) Editor’s fatigue 2340) A gendered god is a red flag 2341) John out of order 2342) Deliberate biblical mistranslations 2343) Many Yahwehs 2344) Luke invents story to minimize John the Baptist 2345) Christianity requires a massive support structure 2346) Conflicting stories about Moses 2347) Jesus defines adultery 2348) Cutting off a woman’s hand 2349) Science trumps faith healing 2350) Complicated natural processes 2351) The gospel is bad news 2352) The Johannine Community 2353) Waiting at the bar 2354) Sin forgiveness contradiction 2355) God’s flood plan failed 2356) Acts and Galatians collision 2357) Christianity misconstrued Judaism 2358) The missing keys analogy 2359) The Bible preserves superstition 2360) Soft polytheism 2361) God is the author of confusion 2362) Yahweh is not omnipotent 2363) Particle physics disproves the resurrection 2364) The emperor is naked 2365) Harms of the supernatural outlook 2366) Heavenly signs 2367) Christians must desensitize themselves 2368) The gravity analogy 2369) Church viral spread 2370) Number of post-resurrection witnesses 2371) God is either good or mysterious 2372) Gospels were written by believers 2373) Fictional story to change dietary laws 2374) Pornography in the Bible 2375) Illusory features of an imaginary world 2376) The power of conversion stories 2377) Telltale clues of a false religion 2378) Switching babies 2379) Paul was wrong about the second coming 2380) The Bible anesthetizes skepticism 2381) Paul understated disagreements with Jerusalem 2382) Paul should have seen Jesus 2383) The summer camp analogy 2384) Leptogenesis and why our world exists 2385) Declaration versus demonstration 2386) OT god is not omnipresent 2387) Twelve Jesus’s 2388) Jesus and hate 2389) Christianity is Yahwism 2.0 2390) Paul’s was the only first-hand account 2391) Accounts before versus after crucifixion 2392) Dissonance reduction 2393) The Gospel of Peter 2394) The God gene 2395) God’s killing strategy makes no sense 2396) The Bible is unfit for high school study 2397) Jesus is laconic after the resurrection 2398) Argument from inconsistent revelations 2399) Christianity bends to science , not vice versa 2400) Jesus became a god along with the emperor 2401) Christianity is invalid 2402) John and Peter were illiterate 2403) Rabbis misinterpreting miracles 2404) Christianity began in Galilee 2405) Peter did not go to Rome 2406) Matthew interpolated to support Trinity 2407) The Sinai inconsistency 2408) Jesus’s unjust reasoning 2409) Rapid fire 2410) Paul, Mark, and Jesus were all badly misinformed 2411) Doubt is the only reasonable position 2412) Jesus fame mismatch 2413) Oldest copies of New Testament books 2414) Persistence of belief 2415) Divine confusion 2416) Luke’s folly 2417) From Jesus to Constantine 2418) Biblical morality is relativistic 2419) Lot’s story sums up the Bible 2420) A relationship with Jesus 2421) Holy Spirit indwelling 2422) Jesus used hell as a metaphor 2423) Paul was unaware of who crucified Jesus 2424) Death of inerrancy 2425) First five Bible books are fiction 2426) Christianity is intolerant 2427) The Bible, a profound missed opportunity 2428) Basket cases 2429) Faith of Abraham, Moses, apostles not impressive 2430) Resurrection probability based on Lourdes 2431) Satan is a complete idiot 2432) A brainless god cannot exist 2433) Revenge theology 2434) The United States Jesus changed 2435) Education smothers religious belief 2436) Finding Jesus 2437) The agricultural roots of Christianity 2438) Neurotheology 2439) The true Revelation 2440) Constantine saved and destroyed Christianity 2441) Taking verses out of context 2442) The incoherence of theism 2443) The OT is evil and the NT rebukes it 2444) Faith makes people impervious to reason 2445) DMT causes belief in a higher power 2446) Evidence precludes unchanging god 2447) Cheating for the Lord 2448) The filioque 2449) The Shakespeare forgery 2450) Gilgamesh and Noah 2451) Wikipedia versus God 2452) Rationalizations for failed prayers are invalid 2453) Insanity in the Bible 2454) Assessing Christianity’s claim to be based on love 2455) The not-so-intelligently designed watch 2456) Jesus and the zombies 2457) Was Jesus God or was he crazy? 2458) Twenty stories rarely discussed in church 2459) is Yahweh the next Zeus? 2460) The existence of God is objectively improbable 2461) Jesus and Krishna 2462) 2 Peter endorses talking donkey 2463) The Ark of the Covenant 2464) The missing Old Testament prophecy 2465) Philip in Samaria 2466) Jesus was a failed apocalyptic prophet 2467) God, the detailist 2468) Jesus bypasses the first four commandments 2469) Paul loses his healing touch 2470) Luke copied Homer’s birth annunciation 2471) Why connecting Jesus to the OT was necessary 2472) God, the inept CEO 2473) Bears in the backyard 2474) Non-identity relational scriptures 2475) Faith healers retreat into their mansions 2476) How Paul came to his delusion 2477) The trilemma 2478) The Great Procrastinator 2479) God’s to-do list 2480) Old texts used to generate new narratives 2481) The limits of prophecy 2482) The nail in the coffin 2483) Exaggerating Roman debauchery 2484) Blood atonement not consistent with Judaism 2485) Is Jesus a Jekyll and Hyde? 2486) Using the Bible to reproach God 2487) Secular nations fare better in pandemic 2488) Christian dilemma- obedience or sacrifice? 2489) Scripture forged to defend the Trinity 2490) God is not very smart 2491) Groupthink 2492) Misinterpreting earthquakes 2493) Luke was a mythographer 2494) Christianity was one of 30 competing sects 2495) Jesus was not born in Bethlehem 2496) Assessing evidence for the resurrection 2497) Aesop and Socrates 2498) God compared to a mother’s love 2499) God, the pyromaniac 2500) Over-use of puns 2501) Religious belief is correlated to use of intuition 2502) Evil in his name 2503) Teleological thinking 2504) Matthew ‘remembers’ Jesus’ words 2505) Jesus lied to the high priest 2506) The all-everything god is an anachronism 2507) Conflicting eschatology 2508)The absurdity of dogma 2509) Teleporting Jesus 2510) Miracles more needed today, none provided 2511) COVID-19 deaths by religious group 2512) The scope of miracles has diminished 2513) Proving a negative 2514) Matthew’s anachronism 2515) Job and abusive relationships 2516) God is a sadist 2517) Sai Baba of Shirdi 2518) Religion makes people stupid 2519) Paul was illogical 2520) God changes forgiveness paradigm 2521) Phineas Priesthood 2522) The Christian challenge 2523) Cog-dis reduction and the resurrection 2524) Defenses of the Christian faith 2525) Yahweh hates pretty women 2526) Darwin’s deal breaker 2527) Concept of God has changed over time 2528) Lazarus disappears 2529) The sign of Jonah 2530) Paul tapped fear of mortality 2531) End-of-life brain chemistry 2532) Non-believers fare better in the pandemic 2533) God delivers the ‘real’ Bible 2534) Jesus broke the Sabbath 2535) Mark’s crazy Jesus 2536) Forgiveness incongruity 2537) Jesus condoned cruelty and injustice 2538) God’s verdict on rape 2539) God is not pro-life 2540) Deism or atheism 2541) Biblical exaggerations 2542) Faith counterargument 2543) Holy Spirit inspiration 2544) Yahweh and Ba’al 2545) God and rape 2546) God defeats free will to support genocide 2547) Mosaic law dropped for convenience 2548) Jesus’ existence is a reasonable question 2549) Jesus and Moses’ snake on a pole 2550) The promise of reward 2551) Bible translation no different than any other book 2552) The enlightenment ended religious brutality 2553) Broken promises to the Jews 2554) Christianity’s sanctity of life problem 2555) Flat tire analogy 2556) God offers no pandemic relief to his own 2557) God’s anger belies his omnipotence 2558) Early gospels de-emphasized miraculous healings 2559) Eleven types of scriptures Christians ignore 2560) Scrutinizing God 2561) Paul perpetuates false history 2562) The Holy Spirit speaks 2563) The dying dog analogy 2564) Believing is easier than not believing 2565) Prayer preconditions 2566) Instinct and belief 2567) How Christianity bit its tail 2568) God goes mute 2569) Humans deserve more respect than God 2570) Mark used Josephus 2571) The golden calf 2572) Christianity promotes a new science 2573) Why guided evolution is a folly 2574) The missionary paradox 2575) The redemption plot hole 2576) Divine command failure 2577) God’s default emotion is wrath 2578) Making Jesus white 2579) The ball drop 2580) God is a poor parent 2881) The Bible mirrors the mythology of its time 2582) Pray for Olive 2583) The Whirlpool Galaxy 2584) The motte-and-bailey fallacy 2585) Belief fails as a criterion for judgment 2586) Spaceless, timeless god cannot exist 2587) The black cat analogy 2588) Intelligent design failure 2589) Picking your religion 2590) Looking behind the curtain 2591) Faith versus other virtues 2592) Resurrection inconsistencies 2593) Is the entire Bible inspired? 2594) Stepping through the improbabilities 2595) Christianity is inequitable 2596) Jesus is the adult Santa 2597) Omission of Jesus’ youth 2598) Jesus died a second time 2599) Luke and Paul disagree on method of Jesus’ return 2600) Paul’s gullibility 2601) Christian failsafes 2602) A real god wouldn’t condemn homosexuality 2603) God the incompetent CEO 2604) Early reports of resurrection were not convincing 2605) The jelly bean analogy 2606) Biblical attitude to incest 2607) Christian magic was a product of its time 2608) Selflessness edict ruined 2609) Arguments for God disqualify Yahweh 2610) If science worked like religion 2611) Why Bible miracles should be dismissed 2612) Establishing belief thresholds 2613) Science catches up to Jesus 2614) Religious propaganda aimed at retention 2615) Jesus, the cult con man 2616) Four brick walls separate us from Jesus’ words 2617) Unevidenced miracles 2618) Bible wonders – case dismissed 2619) The eternal life gimmick 2620) Religion’s anachronistic view of human sexuality 2621) Dissecting the ‘perfect’ prayer 2622) Paul fails to discuss his miracle works 2623) Paul’s opposition to Peter is disqualifying 2624) Voice-activated healing requiring faith 2625) Theology’s free pass 2626) Why Christianity does not deserve respect 2627) The fallacy of personal revelation 2628) God’s anger quenched by prayer 2629) Early church fathers would be heretical today 2630) Jesus was a human 2631) Christian fatalism 2632) Paul’s significance was grossly overrated 2633) Retrospective prophecy 2634) Joseph of Arimathea origin 2635) Andronicus 2636) Resurrection was a slowly evolving doctrine 2637) The prodigal son parable is bad theology 2638) The towering father figure 2639) Social trinitarianism 2640) The most damaging Bible verses 2641) Blood-liquefying miracle 2642) Science always defeats religion 2643) Worshiping a monster 2644) Resurrection is not the proof test of Christianity 2645) Mark’s supernaturalism supports Jesus mythicism 2646) Religion is absurd 2647) Why anti-abortion Christians are ungodly 2648) Chresto not Jesus; Chrestians not Christians 2649) Blasphemy punishment 2650) Christianity’s eternity problem 2651) Religion perverted our innate sense of morality 2652) Christian cognitive dissonance 2653) Paul poured Christianity’s foundation 2654) Self-awareness problem 2655) Atheist out-moralizes Yahweh 2656) Revenants versus Jesus 2657) Immortality bias fertilizes religions 2658) Major religions originated in deserts 2659) Jesus the anti-missionary 2660) Superhabitable planets 2661) The story is only about God 2662) Rockstar, Terrorist Jesus 2663) Jesus was reverse-engineered 2664) Two hundred years of deconstructing Christianity 2665) Suppressing inconvenient evidence 2666) Christianity’s role in the Holocaust 2667) John’s unbroken bones 2668) Jesus’s piercing problem 2669) Christian bullying 2670) Christianity’s money scam 2671) Anne Frank 2672) Christian apologists are deceptive 2673) Yahweh is obsolete 2674) Real sacrifices 2675) Wife-sister narratives 2676) Christianity’s dozen painful facts 2677) Cognitive flexibility 2678) Christianity and sociopathy 2679) Why people invented religion 2680) Atheists hold the higher moral ground 2681) Ten reasons to abandon Christianity 2682) The decree that launched 1500 years of mayhem 2683) Monolatry 2684) The assumption of truth 2685) The evolution of Jesus’ birth 2686) John was response to synagogue expulsion 2687) Ancient historians made things up 2688) Jesus did not die 2689) Principle of Commodity 2690) Peddling end times 2691) Religion became necessary with population 2692) Christianity’s war on science 2693) Serpent sending 2694) Paul’s only source was the Bible 2695) Sergey Torop 2696) Questioning Jesus’ mental health 2697) The flaw of original sin 2698) Regulating sex in marriage 2699) Markers of superstition 2700) The pious fraud of Peter’s tomb 2701) Another reformation is in progress 2702) Neanderthals and Denisovans, had they survived 2703) Graft 2704) God’s moral compass 2705) The problem with sin 2706) Early Christianity fueled by hallucinogens 2707) Early tampering 2708) Multiple authors for John 2709) Matthew’s prophecy mistake 2710) Mark’s omission of the virgin birth 2711) Christians should hope faith healings are fake 2712) Christianity was used to murder women 2713) Making a dying daughter dead 2714) Physics of consciousness 2715) The Christianisation of the Roman Empire 2716) Religions based on faith fare better 2717) The five options 2718) The misconstrued cornerstone 2719) Religion is obviously a scam 2720) Analogy of the colored squares 2721) Atheist prayer 2722) Consensus reality 2723) United States presidential election 2020 2724) Gospels do not assign unbelievers to hell 2725) Luke embellishes the ascension story 2726) Jesus plays a game with signs 2727) God’s trinity of personality disorders 2728) Forged letters present a problem 2729) A movie director’s nightmare 2730) Modern-day Ten Commandments 2731) Criterion of embarrassment 2732) Listening to the silence 2733) Hell and geography 2734) Faith in hearsay 2735) Churches do not exhibit supernaturalism 2736) The ‘we’ passages of Acts 2737) Divine hiddenness 2738) Yahweh and Satan’s hostage crisis 2739) John the Baptist geography problems 2740) The bridge collapse analogy 2741) Flash episodes of atheism 2742) Turin shroud was debunked 700 years ago 2743) Progressive antipathy toward Jews 2744) God, the detailist 2745) Bible’s three strikes 2746) Eusebius lies about Mark 2747) Hell is a mirror of prison justice 2748) Christianity’s war on women 2749) Religions have outlived their usefulness 2750) Thomas Fairchild and social pressure 2751) Symptoms of Christianitis 2752) Personal identity is a mirage 2753) Wrath of God on tiny humans 2754) Destroying the Lewis trilemma 2755) Kettle logic 2756) Virgin birth is a minority New Testament opinion 2757) Deifying Mary 2758) Defense of Christianity is unremarkable 2759) Virgin birth borrowed from pagan tradition 2760) Debunking the local flood theory 2761) The Bible is losing its moral relevance 2762) COVID-19 religion test case 2763) A designed world could be different 2764) Paul discounts churches and human hands 2765) Christians are voluntary slaves 2766) Jesus exposure dividing line 2767) Abrahamic faiths are equally false 2768) Evaluating God’s existence/characteristics 2769) Mysterious ways defense 2770) Christian credibility problem 2771) Human suffering 2772) Science denial tactics 2773) Testimonial embellishment 2774) Human arrogance 2775) The Bible should have remained a tree 2776) Six saviors of history 2777) Paradigm shift 2778) Christianity is a totalitarian belief 2779) World Press Freedom index 2780) Rod beatings 2781) Jesus is guilty of Native American slaughter 2782) War between science and religion 2783) Worship desire 2784) Development of the Bible 2785) Questions for Christians 2786) Depravity baseline 2787) Proofs of Santa’s existence 2788) Religion is just another fraudulent product 2789) The Bible is a self-destructive artifact 2790) Belief requirement evolved over time 2791) Mixed signals 2792) Arguments against Paul’s authority 2793) Arguments against the Trinity 2794) Anachronistic attitude to sex 2795) Prophecies lack evidential value 2796) QAnon post-shadows Christianity 2797) Jesus consistently contradicts himself 2798) Jesus worship is shameful 2799) Positive atheism 2800) Resurrection evidence revisited 2801) False messiahs doom societies 2802) Christian arrogance 2803) Nazareth synagogue interpolation 2804) Ex-Christian conundrum 2805) Yahweh’s jealousy disappeared 2806) Jesus spitting healing method 2807) Mark written to explain the lost messiah 2808) John did not write a gospel 2809) The elephant and the lie detector 2810) Questioning Paul’s conversion 2811) Ten arguments for God debunked 2812) God fails to provided expected protection 2813) Noah’s Ark conundrum 2814) Perceiving God vs. Satan 2815) Child suffering not important to God 2816) Christians borrowed pagan art 2817) Jesus overlaid on John the Baptist 2818) The Bible fails as a moral guide 2819) Indoctrination masks probabilities 2820) Peter’s call versus John imprisoned 2821) Virgin birth appears, disappears from scripture 2822) Jesus is an idea 2823) Christians are not changed 2824) Bible refutes how God reveals himself 2825) Escape velocity 2826) Elevating Peter to Paul’s status 2827) Islam conversion outpaces Christianity 2828) Mark, the playwright 2829) Destroying excuses for biblical slavery 2830) Matthew’s confusion 2831) Religions created for social cohesion 2832) Punishment in eternity 2833) Parental influence on adult religious belief 2834) Explaining why the universe has no cause 2835) Jesus’ resurrection was not unique 2836) Jesus asserts belief in a unitarian god 2837) The mother and the cyclone 2838) Failed prophecies can spawn new religions 2839) Seven stages of gaslighting 2840) The island ghost 2841) God commanding worship is unsettling 2842) Doctrinal clarity 2843) God is limited, apathetic, or non-existent 2844) You must worship the ‘real’ cave digger 2845) Evaluating standards of evidence 2846) Christianity feeds infantile needs 2847) Moving the goalposts 2848) Paul’s biggest blunder 2849) Debunking argument from consciousness 2850) Paul equates his vision to other apostles 2851) Samson’s animal cruelty 2852) Examining modern day headlines 2853) Unfalsifiable belief is invalid 2854) Faith versus medical science 2855) Punishment timing 2856) God is inconsistent compared to his creation 2857) The Bible places women in submission 2858) Jesus did not voluntarily sacrifice himself 2859) God and evil 2860) Egoistic freedom vs. authoritarian compassion 2861) The Bible is not divinely inspired 2862) QAnon and Jesus 2863) Christian ‘miracles’ inhabit probabilistic fringes 2864) Christian belief is based on subjective reasoning 2865) The cutoff 2866) Insurance company actuarial statistics 2867) Body and soul relationship 2868) Homosexuality versus slavery 2869) God chooses the most brutal option 2870) Killing sons 2871) Matthew’s Pandora box 2872) The two gods of Genesis 2873) Taking red letter quotations to the extreme 2874) Yahweh as a lesser god 2875) Tracking Jesus’ body 2876) Personal relationship with Jesus 2877) Religions of the world 2878) Judas-led arrest account in John is implausible 2879) Mark’s passion story inplausibilities 2880) Gods invented for indulgent reasons 2881) Blurred lines 2882) Jesus and the ear 2883) Eight sources of morality 2884) Belief in belief 2885) The Bible is mired in the crudeness of its time 2886) Christianity ‘offers’ a compulsory relationship 2887) Omniscience implies responsibility 2888) Fallacies of a popular verse 2889) False statement becomes true 2890) God’s god 2891) Extoling suffering to mask impotence of faith 2892) Religion is not needed for morality 2893) Tiberius chronology versus Jesus 2894) Alien abductions versus resurrection 2895) Awkwardness of Sodom and Gomorrah 2896) Christianity’s roots 2897) Jesus and Pilate’s private conversation 2898) Abrahamic religions destroyed egalitarianism 2899) Martyrs for Jesus 2900) Forensic science versus evolution 2901) Noah’s interwoven stories 2902) Another miracle gives way to chemistry 2903) Problems defending the canon of scripture 2904) Paul’s influence on the gospels 2905) Jews never detected the Trinity 2906) Jesus was not his name 2907) John replaces Eucharist with feet washing 2908) The life of John 2909) Petran priority 2910) Where did Jesus go? 2911) Mark follows Paul on taxation 2912) Satan beats God in the game of salvation 2913) Mark invented the idea of parables 2914) Reprobate mind 2915) Pious fraud in Paul’s letter to the Corinthians 2916) Wandering Jew 2917) Signs you might be in a cult 2918) Mark’s main source was Paul 2919) Absurdity of human worship 2920) Tomb raiders 2921) God doesn’t care about everybody equally 2922) Simpler explanation for religious decline 2923) Lions in the den 2924) Christianity’s greatest crime 2925) Questions answered 2926) God and Joseph Mengele 2927) Claimed sources of god-knowledge not credible 2928) Mark of the beast is no longer possible 2929) Divine mysteries should not exist 2930) Early Christians denied the Trinity 2931) God’s mystifying thought process 2932) First goal of a god 2933) Angel wings 2934) Expansion of the universe 2935) Champion conspiracy theory 2936) Argumentum ad populum is invalid for Christianity 2937) Omnipotence is a ridiculous claim 2938) Problem of evil is irreconcilable 2939) Kidnapping paradox 2940) Putting pets to sleep 2941) God’s letter 2942) The Satan dilemma 2943) Bible literalism is impossible 2944) God demands both faith and non-faith 2945) Robot analogy 2946) Jesus envisioned a patriarchal government 2947) Jesus did not believe in the Christian heaven 2948) Jesus’ Saturday adventure 2949) Jesus bodily resurrection missing 2nd half of NT 2950) Legitimate worthiness tests 2951) Parent-child analogy 2952) Holy Spirit evidence is lacking 2953) Imploding Christian arguments 2954) Over-attributing an incomprehensible god 2955) Religion constitutes the basement of human ideals 2956) The Bible fumbles health issues 2957) God is a bully 2958) Resurrection not proved by historical evidence 2959) Real god would not require financial resources 2960) God is incompetent and lazy 2961) Children as cancer 2962) Excusing immorality by historical context failure 2963) Watching your own movie with surprise 2964) God left humanity stranded 2965) Christianity’s fatal paradox 2966) Jesus couldn’t be fully human and fully god 2967) John’s Lazarus story fails 2968) Authorial gluttony 2969) The child paradox 2970) Answering questions not a sign of truth 2971) Christianity’s rank dishonesty 2972) Imagine an invisible force 2973) Christianity pushes penis insecurity 2974) Martin Luther’s war against reason 2975) New Testament connection to Old Testament 2976) God of metallurgy 2977) Intuitive problem solving 2978) Failure of the free will argument 2979) Jesus sets lord-vassal theme 2980) Failure to define the unforgivable sin 2981) Ten Commandments and slavery 2982) Fighting against the Bible’s irrelevancy 2983) Not believing is not a crime 2984) Nocturnal emissions 2985) God and totalitarianism 2986) Christians don’t observe holidays Jesus celebrated 2987) Christianity and the BITE model 2988) Pantheism 2989) The debunking fallacy 2990) Christianity usurps the benefit of fiction 2991) Miracle claims inconsistent with Christian god 2992) Testing god claims 2993) Case for no salvation 2994) Supernatural Pandora’s Box 2995) God, the dictatorial judge 2996) Christianity’s track record 2997) Requirement of faith falsifies a religion 2998) Christianity makes people violent 2999) Christianity benefits too many people to die 3000) Abrahamic mythology as an isolate 3001) Evil god makes as much sense as a good god 3002) Little free will equates to none 3003) Religion’s anti-homo stance is rooted in the past 3004) Biblical miracles 3005) Abraham’s theatrical sketch 3006) Jesus’ sacrifice broke every rule 3007) Fine-tuning God 3008) Three commandments 3009) The Christian god is a snowflake 3010) Origin story is refuted 3011) No good reason to believe Paul 3012) Cultural diffusion 3013) Paranormal activity in the Bible 3014) The Devil and typos 3015) God gives us no tools of discernment 3016) The church and domestic abuse 3017) Biblical literalism built on secular traditions 3018) Abrahamic religions must be false 3019) Hagioptasia 3020) Atheists as happy as religious people 3021) Christians believing their luck will change 3022) God is a disappointment 3023) The great missed opportunity 3024) Misplaced parables 3025) God’s treasure hunt 3026) The Cowessess massacre 3027) Cruelty in the New Testament 3028) Dragon Man 3029) God is a psychopath 3030) Exodus fiction undermines Christianity 3031) Religion is a defense mechanism 3032) Six reasons Christianity survives 3033) Matthew didn’t believe Jesus was God 3034) Suppression of knowledge 3035) Baader-Meinhof phenomenon 3036) Bible contaminated by pseudepigraphical works 3037) Apologetics out of control 3038) Christianity’s sinister use of money 3039) Christians reversing the burden of proof 3040) Jesus symbolism spoiled by assigning him divinity 3041) Brain circuit for spirituality 3042) Religious switching 3043) Dispelling the relevancy of 2 Peter 1:20-21 3044) The Thomas Paine challenge 3045) Jesus was a dick 3046) Two Thomas’s destroy Christianity 3047) Explanations for unanswered prayers are absurd 3048) Angel fantasy 3049) Luke was the first apologist 3050) Elevating belief over skepticism 3051) The credulity test 3052) Preaching a non-Christian gospel 3053) Jesus as the new Moses 3054) Judas’ betrayal was fictional 3055) Christians don’t believe in NT demonics 3056) John and Mark in one day 3057) COVID proof test 3058) Binding of Isaac 3059) Where are the gods? 3060) Anti-semitism in Acts 3061) Matthew cheats to protect his numerology 3062) Four hurdles to martyrdom 3063) Use of false beliefs to establish loyalty 3064) Plato put words in Socrates mouth 3065) Absence of evidence is evidence of absence 3066) Another evolution of paganism 3067) God is a moral relativist 3068) Great news 3069) Doubting Thomas contradiction 3070) Christianity is not a recipe for ethical living 3071) Religions disqualify themselves 3072) Places mentioned in the Bible 3073) Nativity anomalies 3074) Ten thought patterns that trip up ex-Christians 3075) Angel’s Glow 3076) Lazarus missing in the synoptics 3077) Jesus was not a good Christian 3078) Zero energy 3079) Jesus wasn’t the Son of God 3080) Opening the floodgates 3081) Most powerful argument against Christianity 3082) Visual depiction of the Bible’s depravity 3083) The slavery verses 3084) DNA speaks 3085) Satan is double fictional 3086) Questioning gospel sources 3087) Deism is the only rational theism 3088) Peter schooled or unschooled 3089) God speaks in second or third person 3090) John the Baptist is/is not Elijah 3091) Crediting other religions to credit Christianity 3092) God follows, not leads, humans 3093) Sam Harris smackdown 3094) Origin of afterlife myths 3095) Bronze Age beliefs 3096) One miracle short 3097) Yahweh chose the vent 3098) God used to respond to tests 3099) Pseudepigrapha evidence 3100) What is not extraordinary evidence 3101) Obsolete sexism 3102) Yahweh fails to communicate his uniqueness 3103) Anachronistic conquests 3104) The story of the soul 3105) Take the Bible 3106) Matthew not written by the disciple 3107) The Bible’s messy infancy 3108) Personal experience is not evidence 3109) Alien life more probable 3110) Kid’s discernment impaired by religious training 3111) Problems with the Sermon on the Mount 3112) COVID-19 and 19 months of prayer 3113) Satan created Christianity? 3114) The Hitchens mic drop 3115) Two asymmetric power relationships 3116) Possible inspiration for biblical story of Sodom 3117) Monotheism laid the groundwork for Christianity 3118) Jesus fails to see the future 3119) The Roman Empire testimony 3120) Why faith is not the answer 3121) God and horrendous suffering 3122) An American Christian arrives for judgment 3123) The other side of miracle stories 3124) Ten evangelical maxims 3125) Why Christianity succeeded 3126) Christianity rejects equal relationships 3127) The Sanhedrin’s death sentence was correct 3128) The truth shall set you free 3129) Miracles lag behind medical science 3130) Mark enjoyed creative license 3131) From reality to metaphor 3132) Love is not Yahweh 3133) Testosterone can send you to hell 3134) Paul didn’t read the Tower of Babel story 3135) Jewish exemption 3136) The worst verses in the Bible 3137) Before and after 3138) God is not anthropocentric 3139) Three stages of God’s salvation plan 3140) Consistency of religious texts 3141) Christians know better than Jesus 3142) Atheism tied to cultural transmission 3143) Jesus was a monster 3144) Ancient Greek author illuminates early Christians 3145) Thought control 3146) Christianity perverts justice 3147) New Testament not written as sacred scripture 3148) Physical processes behind miracles 3149) Christianity renders morality irrelevant 3150) Book of Ezra pollutes the Bible 3151) Binary judgement does not work 3152) Changing the Bible to fit beliefs 3153) Brain structure anomalies 3154) Fine tuning wilts under science 3155) Gamification of salvation 3156) Message shifting 3157) Theodicy failures 3158) Timothy’s weak prophecy 3159) No separation between mental and physical 3160) Nine verse contradiction 3161) The question Paul couldn’t answer 3162) Grab bag of religious diversity 3163) God doesn’t do his best to save us 3164) God talking to people now vs. back then 3165) The Flood is all you need 3166) The conception of Jesus 3167) Appearances can be deceiving 3168) Mr. Ott’s odyssey 3169) The slam dunk 3170) The Romans made a big mistake by killing Jesus 3171) Argument from design fails 3172) Moderates retreat from scriptural literalism 3173) Subtracting the angel 3174) Belief in a god less compassionate 3175) Christians don’t get morals from God or the Bible 3176) Sanctifying cruelty 3177) The curse of Ham 3178) Biblical confusion regarding hell 3179) Covering up God burning people to death 3180) The Jesus child plot hole 3181) Adam and Eve allegory 3182) Hell is the most immoral idea thought of by man 3183) Everybody must get stoned 3184) Blood curse 3185) The five kings 3186) God becomes hamstrung by a curse 3187) Christians disbelieving the virgin birth 3188) Why did God wait so long to send Jesus? 3189) God endorses what he later condemns 3190) Scriptures Christians would like to delete 3191) The Numbers Challenge 3192) Early diversity is not a good sign 3193) Bible and Quran agree about women 3194) The politicalization of Christianity 3195) God’s updated description 3196) Witch trial tests 3197) No magic, no god 3198) Bible’s guide to torture 3199) Jesus will search your kidneys 3200) Heroes of faith 3201) Unraveling the skein of salvation 3202) Jesus changed in the tomb 3203) Apocalypse of Peter 3204) Witch hunts used for recruitment 3205) They disbelieved but we must believe 3206) Spirit of the Lord is for killing 3207) The murder trial analogy 3208) Dishonor thy father and thy mother 3209) God promises to rape women 3210) Healing for show 3211) The Door 3212) Four reasons why Yahweh does not exist 3213) Apostolic succession failure 3214) God, the pedocidal monster 3215) A nobody, a rock star, or a magician 3216) God, the defiant king 3217) John 3:16 is a joke 3218) Can God do something that is not good? 3219) God can’t add to the Bible w/o revealing himself 3220) Minimal facts failure 3221) The alien analogy 3222) Pagan quote leaks into Bible 3223) Nailing Jesus to the cross 3224) Sayings of Jesus on the cross 3225) Psychological grooming 3226) Christianity functions just like a false religion 3227) Yahweh was a pimp 3228) Jesus’ crime against humanity 3229) Jesus, the horse thief 3230) Jesus caught in immediate contradiction 3231) Dating the Gospel of Mark 3232) NDE reality 3233) Not as crazy as other faiths? 3234) Religious belief is malleable 3235) Probability vs. possibility 3236) Untestable, undetectable, and unknowable 3237) Unworkable rules 3238) How Satan came to rule over hell 3239) Jesus of Matthew vs. Jesus of Revelation 3240) Christianity: The advertisement 3241) Bad Jesus quotes 3242) Disguising God’s name 3243) Simulations are sufficient 3244) Atheism is falsifiable, Christianity is not 3245) Missionary abduction 3246) The form Jesus will take on his return 3247) Acceptance of vaccination science 3248) Religious thinking stifles creativity 3249) No out for compassionate Christians 3250) Bible’s obsession with dietary laws 3251) Christian hype is unfounded 3252) God needs anger management therapy 3253) Bible fails as a reliable source of information 3254) The omnipotent firefighter 3255) Analogy of sports fanaticism 3256) God as a bad father 3257) Life as a test for heaven makes no sense 3258) Jesus never claimed to be divine 3259) The inevitability of afterlife beliefs 3260) Mathematics of hell 3261) Superhuman beings never slip up 3262) People don’t actually believe in miracles 3263) Christianity should have exploded out of the box 3264) Mary’s Magnificat 3265) Lord’s Prayer is becoming irrelevant 3266) Friend shooting heroin analogy 3267) Bad theology designs the god we crave 3268) God stops smiting 3269) Orgasm asymmetry 3270) Marital communication analogy 3271) What Christians really believe 3272) Bad theological reasoning 3273) God is afflicted with a mental disorder 3274) Three ways to rationalize faith in light of science 3275) How to avoid getting eight ‘impure spirits’ 3276) Unraveling Paul’s theology 3277) Christian god cannot exist without Bible inerrancy 3278) God hates cross-dressing 3279) Yahweh’s dog analogy 3280) The demise of Jewish Christianity 3281) God is inefficient 3282) Gospel messages that fail the test of time 3283) The bad mechanic analogy 3284) God’s omnipotence versus blaming Satan 3285) People see God as a reflection of themselves 3286) Universal awareness and personalistic theology 3287) Christian denialism 3288) Heaven and free will 3289) Christianity promotes evil 3290) Glorifying genocide 3291) God cannot be human-centered 3292) One leaping fetus 3293) Jesus never expected worship 3294) Asherah, El’s consort 3295) The proof is in the pudding 3296) Yahweh promotes pedophilia 3297) The Bible supports flat earthers 3298) Paul’s non poem 3299) Christianity’s twinning problem 3300) Luke leaves out Paul’s letter writing 3301) God passes on an easy proof 3302) Best arguments against Abrahamic religions 3303) Failed theodicities 3304) Lazarus plot hole 3305) Revelatory versus zealot Jesus 3306) Gospel authorship problem 3307) Patriarchal nullification 3308) Hell is unnecessary 3309) Quest for original Christianity 3310) Yahweh is the cruelest of the gods 3311) Limits of eyewitness testimony 3312) Afterlife is a weak selling point 3313) Bible’s roll for women 3314) Bayes’ Rule 3315) Select your universe 3316) Expunging God’s name 3317) Paul’s rules on marriage 3318) Retarding scientific medicine 3319) Asa mistakenly consults physicians 3320) Christian origins 3321) Church knowingly protected false reading 3322) Clear passages on divorce and remarriage 3323) God’s 400-year vacation 3324) Nature suggests no omni god 3325) Delaying baptism 3326) Usurping God’s plan 3327) Angel Gabriel’s double standard 3328) The story of Moses 3329) Jesus impregnated his own mother 3330) Moses breaks 6th Commandment 3331) Child sacrifice in ancient Israel 3332) Everybody will be sent to hell 3333) Information age acid test 3334) The child and oven analogy 3335) Resurrection claim is woefully under-supported 3336) Jesus is the villain in Revelation 3337) Pieces of silver anachronism 3338) Judaism spawns myriad faiths 3339) Jesus’ post-resurrection speaking role 3340) Made in God’s image? 3341) Alternate explanation for Satan’s rebellion 3342) Faith and prayer conflict 3343) God’s life is hell 3344) Babies in the chute 3345) Appeal to magic 3346) Church versus education 3347) Influence of Adonis 3348) Satan and a third of the angels 3349) The window-man analogy 3350) God’s revelatory scorecard 3351) God talks like an angry sociopath 3352) Jesus, the shapeshifter 3353) What is more likely? 3354) Exaggerating troop strength 3355) Illusion of immortality 3356) A religion worth its name 3357) Annoying anomalies 3358) Jesus of Nazareth maybe, Jesus of Christianity no 3359) Jesus endorses the beating of slaves 3360) Innumerancy 3361) No Bible = a better world 3362) Deconstructing all possilbe gods 3363) Christian theologian on the hunt 3364) Jesus forgets scripture 3365) God’s temper tantrum 3366) Mixing astrology with theology 3367) The Q crisis 3368) Two men in a bed 3369) Christianity’s fault lines 3370) Jesus never intended new scripture 3371) Crucifixion issues 3372) Original sin failure 3373) Comparing God to an earthly father 3374) Two problems with hell 3375) Jesus was portrayed to replace the pagan gods 3376) God, the lumberjack 3377) Deliberate deception 3378) Did Jesus talk about himself? 3379) Religion is a drug 3380) Pure monotheism postdates Christianity 3381) The strange insecurity of Christians 3382) Satan and devils perform miracles 3383) Jesus refutes original sin 3384) Ten Commandments no basis for civil law 3385) Pseudopigraphy in 2 Peter 3386) Demons defeated by medications 3387) God’s four possibilities 3388) Same book-different beliefs 3389) Evidence Jesus was a militant insurrectionist 3390) Unknown source of ‘divine’ messages 3391) Euthyphro dilemma 3392) God is OK with humans killing over religion 3393) Arguments against scriptural inspiration 3394) Delayed tomb veneration 3395) Paul did not think Jesus was God 3396) Peter’s denial confrontations 3397) Progressive revelation failure 3398) Contradiction of Jairus’ daughter 3399) Mark’s attribution error 3400) John moves Jesus’ temple tantrum 3401) Timothy’s delusion 3402) Yahweh’s con game 3403) God the dictator 3404) God is inert 3405) Ten reasons for women to exit Christianity 3406) The Bible is a library of disagreeing books 3407) Hebrews keeps Jesus in the sky 3408) Four moral concerns 3409) Timing of the Great Commission 3410) Three points for mythicism 3411) Three strikes for Christianity 3412) Historical error in Chronicles 3413) Timothy corrects Jesus’ cult manifesto 3414) Acts Seminar 3415) Religion endangers children 3416) The Juius Caesar analogy 3417) God endorses sexual slavery 3418) MLK view of virgin birth 3419) Skeptics have always been right 3420) Jesus age discrepancies 3421) The problem of the eternal soul 3422) Failed prophet or unreliable scripture 3423) Different authors is not an excuse 3424) Language evolved, meaning changed 3425) God is evil 3426) Ancient Christians and pandemics 3427) More likely ‘resurrection’ story 3428) Luke and Matthew’s tug of war 3429) Circumcision-marriage analog 3430) The muurky evidence of martyrdom 3431) Fake testimonies 3432) Fact checking the virgin birth 3433) Does God exist? 3434) The faith pool 3435) 2 Timothy 3:16 is mistranslated 3436) Argument from results 3437) Guards at the tomb 3438) Made-up speeches in Acts 3439) Jesus from spirit to physical after resurrection 3440) Persistence of false belief 3441) Lord or Satan? 3442) One out of seven 3443) Christians treat God like a baby 3444) Prayer is problematic for Christianity 3445) Paul’s view of homosexuality 3446) God claims are made up 3447) John fishes to support Jesus’ divinity 3448) Jesus down the middle 3449) Strike Four 3450) Why people believe and why they shouldn’t 3451) Jesus for and against violence 3452) Early Christians believed Jesus died to pay Satan 3453) Spirits in prison 3454) Seventeen million hours 3455) God failed to credential his gospels 3456) From extolled poverty to the prosperity gospel 3457) Dropping a book in an illiterate world 3458) Price’s path to mythicism 3459) Zoroastrian beliefs similar to Judeo-Christianity 3460) Yahweh’s unmitigated cruelty 3461) Heaven not better than eternal nothingness 3462) Suffering messiah was a Christian invention 3463) Matthew’s tacit admission 3464) Five most powerful reasons to disbelieve 3465) Prayer-gambling analogy 3466) God fails to align canon universally 3467) Yahweh should’ve withheld existence of heaven 3468) Endogenous retroviruses 3469) King James Version deliberate mistranslation 3470) Ravens feed Elijah 3471) Miraculous protection 3472) History of the Trinity 3473) Managing Mary’s virginity 3474) Hominid species extinctions fueled religious belief 3475) Endless excuses for God 3476) Cults all the way down 3477) Jesus’ missing birthday 3478) Audience of the Ten Commandments 3479) Book of Daniel is a lost cause 3480) Christian atonement theory is flawed 3481) Is God double anal-retentive? 3482) God’s body 3483) Collective hallucination 3484) The seven worst verses 3485) Humans hold a degree of power over God 3486) Rope through the eye of a needle 3487) Why virginal birth was accepted in biblical times 3488) Lynchings 3489) Argument from inconsistent revelations 3490) God’s human rights violation 3491) Religious indoctrination 3492) Ten theological problems in Mark 3493) Projecting humanity onto the gods 3494) Reluctance to probe 3495) Atavism 3496) Let the dead bury their own dead 3497) Jesus misquoted or he misleads 3498) Mark’s anointing problem 3499) Jesus hates democracy 3500) Secular morality is superior to religious morality 3501) Bad theology in John 3 3502) Truth discernment 3503) Real reasons people leave religion 3504) Christian idolatry 3505) Jesus, the pederast 3506) Walking on water versus flying 3507) Modern-day Christianity is a heresy 3508) God is a terrible parent 3509) Christians mangle scripture to fuel their delusions 3510) Brilliantly-designed con game 3511) As humans grow softer, so do our gods 3512) The torturer dilemma 3513) Christians placate their cognitive dissonance 3514) Text migration 3515) Cookie or a cure 3516) God is a bad CEO 3517) What would Jesus do? 3518) System 1 vs. System 2 thinking 3519) Worship preceded religion 3520) Map of Africa 3521) The illogicality of modern religion 3522) Jesus, the narcissist 3523) Angel bazaar 3524) Why ‘choosing’ to believe isn’t the best bet 3525) Four-legged insects 3526) Chimps exhibit early religious behavior 3527) Jesus did not teach original sin 3528) Searching the Bible for monsters 3529) The context of Christianity’s appearance 3530) Interpreting the Bible 3531) Od Testament deconstruction 3532) Broken bones 3533) Another New Testament 3534) An unassailable argument 3535) God, the neglectful parent 3536) Outside of time and space 3537) Earth after the rapture 3538) Born sick and commanded to be well 3539) Jesus baptism made up by Mark 3540) Early Christians engaged in ‘make-believe’ 3541) Internal experiences are unreliable 3542) The downside of worship 3543) Jesus’ greatest miracle 3544) NonStampCollector is morally superior to Yahweh 3545) Mark fails to mention Jesus’ father 3546) Christianity adopted pagan themes to be popular 3547) Christianity should not need missionaries 3548) Christianity is idiocy 3549) Synagogue anachronism in Acts 3550) Hebrews misquotes Jeremiah 3551) The Bible tells parents to beat their children 3552) Twenty-two options for god(s) 3553) Christ dies with the death of miracles 3554) Apostles disappear without a trace 3555) Tax collector identity 3556) Inventing genocide 3557) Jesus never overturned the tables 3558) Demons suddenly appear in the gospels 3559) Double jeopardy 3560) Omitted verses 3561) Where is Satan located? 3562) Paul was not a Christian 3563) Justifying etermal punishment 3564) No literal, unbiased translation 3565) Prayer defects 3566) Leviathan 3567) Heaven entry criteria 3568) A modern gospel 3569) Cult language 3570) Pilate-Joseph of Arimathea conspiracy 3571) God, the abortionist 3572) Mark to John differences 3573) Life origins gap narrows 3574) How Satan evolved to absolve God of evil 3575) Immaculate Conception 3576) Sermon on the Mount written, not spoken 3577) Christian epistemology is laughable 3578) Christian versus Flat Earth thinking 3579) Greek mythology infuses the Bible 3580) New International Version translation scam 3581) Leaving religion does not breed unhappiness 3582) Resheph and Deber 3583) New Sermon on the Mount 3584) Defending rape as Christians defend slavery 3585) Christianity values death over life 3586) Manipulating lifespans 3587) Evolution refutes a caring god 3588) Myth of the 12 tribes 3589) Argument from future animal sacrifices 3590) Anonymous gospels suggest ahistoricity 3591) Sacrifice for one more noble than for many 3592) Paul only references cultish siblings 3593) Delayed documentation of the war in heaven 3594) Second Life disproves Yahweh 3595) Debunking Christian dogma of eternal punishment 3596) Why did burnt offerings cease? 3597) How an evil god would design the world 3598) Science changes too much for Christians 3599) Analogy of the blacksmith’s hammer 3600) Silent historians 3601) Mark not written by Peter’s friend 3602) Elijah resurrections brushed aside by Christianity 3603) Slaveholder morality in early Christianity 3604) Insignificance and hostility 3605) Problem of evil solution debunked 3606) Christians do not test their faith 3607) Fake testimonies can flourish 3608) Jesus gives a nonsensical prophecy 3609) Emotional reasoning 3610) Argument of sporadic miracles 3611) Daniel’s lion den is a metaphor 3612) Morality evolves- Alan Turing 3613) Leviticus 20:13 defense debunked 3614) Heavenly citizenship is fragile 3615) Pauline Christianity is not valid 3616) God wants/doesn’t want all to be saved 3617) Five points to no god 3618) Commentary on Carrier’s mythicism 3619) Acts 25 drives anti-Semitism 3620) Quest for historical Jesus is futile 3621) Atheists are morally superior 3622) Satan in disguise 3623) Heaven and hell plot holes 3624) Angel ‘facts’ 3625) Nocturnal emissions cause uncleanness 3626) Excuses for Jesus’ failed prediction do not work 3627) Lack of NDE conversions 3628) God doesn’t know why atheists disbelieve 3629) God slept for nine hundred years 3630) Jesus was loquacious or laconic? 3631) Verbatim failure 3632) Better educated equals less religious 3633) Jesus, the godawful doctor 3634) Judeo-Christianity should be the only religion 3635) Babies go to hell 3636) Suffering of Jesus was unnecessary 3637) Poor theology to explain human suffering 3638) Near extinction events 3639) Paul’s vision- no evidential value for resurrection 3640) Investment in ancient scriptures 3641) Failure of ‘something from nothing’ argument 3642) Human life worthless compared to wounded ego 3643) Better to not be born 3644) Grading God’s qualities 3645) Paul never warned about hell 3646) Bible fumbles on ‘Jesus is God’ claim 3647) Kiling Canaanite babies 3648) God, the absent teacher 3649) Disciples’sunk cost 3650) Celebrating a war crime 3651) The dismembered Bible 3652) God praised, human vilified 3653) Arguments for and against 3654) Christianity light 3655) Worship failure analogy 3656) Christian response to cultish scripture 3657) Unanswerable questions- first Easter weekend 3658) ‘Life is a test’ analogy 3659) Time to ‘passover’ God 3660) Generic theism 3661) Christianity is not the religion of Jesus 3662) God’s wrath as a marketing tool 3663) Resurrection not needed for Christian continuity 3664) Atheists should be seeing more miracles 3665) Back side of Noah’s flood 3666) One strike and you’re not a prophet 3667) The better philosophy 3668) Christian anti-trans position defies science 3669) Christianity growth compared to Mormonism 3670) Four views of Revelation 3671) Prayer is both useless and harmful 3672) Bible versus modern morality 3673) Jesus and ritual purity 3674) Jesus the magician 3675) Leviticus bans 76 things 3676) Pasting Christianity onto Judasim 3677) Religions reflect the culture where they originate 3678) Bible fails prophecy standards 3679) How ‘soon’ became ‘anytime’ 3680) Who was the Pharaoh in Exodus? 3681) Evaluating evidence for a soul 3682) Pet apocalypse 3683) God is the only being who deserves hell 3684) No default setting for human belief in gods 3685) Son of God, not God the Son 3686) What if Lazarus had been cremated 3687) Second Thessalonians was damage control 3688) Christianity’s fundamental flaw 3689) Afterlife belief followed lack of this life benefits 3690) Theists underestimate omnipotence 3691) The angelic demon 3692) Cultural background of Jesus’ miracles 3693) Time line of Jesus’ body 3694) Ubiquitous adoption- the Bible’s greatest asset 3695) Divinely-inspired imperfection 3696) Theists more likely to believe conspiracies 3697) Christianity used as a pacifier and security blanket 3698) Asteroids spawned life 3699) Evangelicals becoming more liberal 3700) Magnets affect god beliefs 3701) Childhood cancer 3702) Six harms of Christianity 3703) Confused Christians in hell 3704) The missing evidence 3705) Jesus did not call himself the Son of Man 3706) Lack of detail post-resurrection 3707) Christianity breeds self-deprecation 3708) Restaurant evidence 3709) How IVF muddies the soul theory 3710) Disconfirming evidence 3711) Belief came before visions 3712) Debunking morality comes from God 3713) Atheism is the most efficient approach to life 3714) Ten most satanic ideas in the Bible 3715) David was the Jewish Hitler 3716) Inventing hell was likely a play for power 3717) Instructions to women 3718) John of Patmos was a lunatic 3719) Bastards and descendants go straight to hell 3720) Eighteen failed predictions in the New Testament 3721) Alternate Christian history 3722) God is impossible 3723) The Bible is a worthless book 3724) Paul’s Testimony to Agrippa 3725) Selling daughter rules 3726) Carnivorous predation 3727) God changes divorce rules 3728) Reasonable unbelief should be impossible 3729) The cursing god 3730) Secular home breeds higher intelligence 3731) Power of indoctrination 3732) Christian statement of faith 3733) God, the teaser 3734) Bible is a pro-rape instruction manual 3735) Dramatic drop in Bible usage 3736) NT references OT > 200 times 3737) God’s endless succession of failures 3738) Jesus’s scorecard 3739) Heaven and hell in the OT 3740) Multiple wives for God’s favorite men 3741) Unintelligent design 3742) Salvation confusion 3743) God fails to align the Bible 3744) God’s alleged attributes collide disastrously 3745) Biblical versus scientific authority 3746) The waterfall analogy 3747) How Paul invented Christianity 3748) Exorcism death 3749) God heals only what is healable without God 3750) Command to kill non-believers 3751) Matthew’s genealogy 3752) Christianity’s escape hatches 3753) Atheists use higher order brain circuits 3754) The dog abuse analogy 3755) One hundred questions 3756) Yahweh is incapable of simple forgiveness 3757) Yahweh and Jesus are deceitful 3758) Jews not recognizing trinity disproves Christianity 3759) The omnipotence paradox 3760) Christianity is irrational 3761) Prayer worsens heart patient outcomes 3762) Four examples of Paul’s bad theology 3763) Claiming witnesses versus eyewitness testimony 3764) Refuting the need for a creator 3765) Jesus was a piece of shit 3766) The Farewell Discourse 3767) Christianity is a dehumanizing scheme 3768) Flip side of the ad populum argument 3769) God’s plan is flawed 3770) God delivers death with his message 3771) Paul created perfect climate for sexual abuse 3772) Nicene Creed reveals it’s all about hero worship 3773) Tracking Satan’s attributes 3774) Dunbar’s Number 3775) Eyewitness problems 3776) Christianity undercuts its own foundation 3777) Aliens comment on what they observe 3778) Slavery in the churches 3779) Two thousand kids abused by God’s people 3780) Respect for authority 3781) God fell down on the job 3782) Christians losing the big picture 3783) Genesis too vague to be about the Big Bang 3784) Failure if even one soul enters hell 3785) Doubting Galatians evidence for Jesus 3786) Jesus did not believe in evolution 3787) Angels appear when God recedes 3788) Incarnation fallacy 3789) Jesus’ brother had a better claim to be the messiah 3790) Jesus missed a lay-up 3791) Counter to fine tuning argument 3792) God permits child abuse in his name 3793) Christian brainwashing 3794) Christian atonement belies an omnipotent god 3795) The ill-defined god 3796) Incoherence in Acts 27 3797) Problems with the Garden story 3798) Ensoulment problems with twinning 3799) Parable of the Lost Sheep 3800) Defending divine hiddenness 3801) The divine council 3802) Epicurean Paradox 3803) Abraham murdered Isaac 3804) Prodigal son parable contradicts Christian dogma 3805) Why are there still Jews? 3806) Crossing the Red Sea 3807) God has communication issues 3808) God regrets making a mistake 3809) One reason why Jews rejected Jesus 3810) The fallacy of sending burdens 3811) God flunks his omni’s 3812) The fidelity gap 3813) Atheism is safer and more logical 3814) Yahweh does the same evil as Satan 3815) Jesus and the bronze snake 3816) Personal relationship fallacy 3817) Christian marriages are not more successful 3818) Religion skirts around science 3819) Setting in motion something that causes evil 3820) Hell and a just god cannot co-exist 3821) Faith is an excuse for a god who isn’t there 3822) Scene that couldn’t exist if Christianity is true 3823) The worst segue in history 3824) Everything is God’s fault 3825) The house trap analogy 3826) Falling coconuts disprove God 3827) Jesus would hate Christianity 3828) Bible doesn’t know of the Americas 3829) Sargon and Moses 3830) Christian forgiveness is self-centered 3831) Being good is good enough 3832) God fails to reign in his followers 3833) The Pale Blue Dot 3834) John and the Hellenization of Jesus 3835) Rambo theory of Jesus 3836) Neanderthal soul conundrum 3837) Monotheistic censorship 3838) Love and fear do not mix 3839) Matthew repairs Mark’s deficiency 3840) The verse that destroys Christianity 3841) Witnessing, testimony, duplication, translation 3842) Paul would have been shocked 3843) Matthew ignored the context of ancient stories 3844) Mark’s gospel filters what came later 3845) The Red Sea route for dramatic effect 3846) Bible ‘heroes’ were awful people 3847) Religion of death 3848) The Red Sea route for dramatic effect 3849) Christian doctrine conflicts with Hebrew Bible 3850) Mass confusion 3851) The scam of equating feelings and evidence 3852) Forty reason to not be religious 3853) Where’s the magic? 3854) Yahweh’s OT focus was on THIS life 3855) Scripture indistinguishable from fiction 3856) Luke’s fatal mistake 3857) Mark’s fraudulent ending influenced by Luke 3858) Editing the infallible 3859) Nine illogicalities concerning hell 3860) By all accounts, Satan wins 3861) Jesus and his angels 3862) Bible should have been more concise 3863) Failure of the empty tomb trope 3864) Jesus’ predictions were watered down 3865) What a god-created world would look like 3866) Fire from heaven 3867) Maybe God used evolution to make humans? 3868) Choosing to go to hell 3869) Praising God is illogical 3870) Christianity’s boogeyman 3871) Matthew 28:19 is a textual corruption 3872) Hell discrepancy yields four possibilities 3873) The tax collector problem 3874) Eternal hell serves no logical purpose 3875) Christianity as a video game 3876) Author of Luke softens view of Romans in Acts 3877) Fine tuning failure 3878) Dismissing alternate explanations 3879) Imagine what a godless world would look like 3880) Flaw with Kalam cosmological argument 3881) Genes affect a person’s religiosity 3882) Whitewashing slavery in the Bible 3883) Peter’s father 3884) Paul’s Parousia 3885) Mormon manufactured miracles 3886) Conversation about faith 3887) Markan reburial hypothesis 3888) Why is God concerned about non-believers? 3889) Mark hedges on resurrections 3890) Jesus should not have resurrected physically 3891) Events without a cause 3892) Diverse Christian communities 3893) Gospels fail every measure of reliable history 3894) Jesus undercut the credibility of his messiahship 3895) Obedience over morality 3896) God and the pink elephant 3897) Breaking a commandment for breaking another 3898) Two letters, two results 3899) Golden Rule not original 3900) Promoting obedience over intelligence 3901) Dog pooping analogy 3902) Hostility to nature 3903) A real God wouldn’t command faith 3904) Soul failure 3905) Christianity claims vs. Scientology 3906) Paul’s struggle with churches defies miracles 3907) Christianity in a nutshell 3908) Slavery vs. gay marriage 3909) Puzzling ending to Acts 3910) A Christian struggles with doubts 3911) Biological deadliness of evangelism 3912) Abundant absence of evidence 3913) The great asteroid argument 3914) Falling down becomes kneeling 3915) Entropy de-evidences God 3916) Three ancient superstitions 3917) Yahweh should have been an ‘earth-only’ god 3918) God watches as children abused in France 3919) Moral judgment affected by amygdala damage 3920) Jesus is not the OT god 3921) Christian god much worse than mortal father 3922) Why do people love Jesus? 3923) Betrayal story likely a reflection of Genesis 3924) Sun worship makes more sense 3925) Simplest explanation for the crucifixion 3926) Car lot analogy 3927) No fact checking possible 3928) God not all-powerful due to worship demand 3929) Loren Boebert bible citizenship test 3930) Eight areas where God is not detected 3931) Refuting claims of Bible science 3932) Pop quiz for Christians 3933) The beginning of Luke 3934) Jews have good reasons to reject Christian gods 3935) Seven qualities of a death cult 3936) The case for early and diverse Christianities 3937) The Devil plot hole 3938) Lightning rods thwarting the will of God 3939) Educational attainment by religious affiliation 3940) Bodily damage in the afterlife 3941) All religions appear human created 3942) All healings would be equally easy for God 3943) God set us up to fail 3944) Religion is a coping mechanism 3945) Cult psychology explains all religion 3946) Interacting versus non-interacting god 3947) Revelation reality 3948) Holy Spirit silliness 3949) One or many gods? 3950) Baptism as a magical rite 3951) Trinity has no foundation in Hebrew Bible 3952) Alien belief to replace gods 3953) Why would God care so much? 3954) The case against the resurrection 3955) ‘Personal relationship’ fallacy 3956) Fighting a war 3957) Anti-natalism 3958) Four document hypothesis 3959) Televangelist prayer experiment 3960) Abraham vs. Jesus 3961) Uncontacted tribes 3962) Ezekiel’s prophecy invalidates Christianity 3963) Pathways to faith 3964) Salvation for males only 3965) Is Yahweh circumcised? 3966) Revelation not written by John the Apostle 3967) God has left us 3968) Murder by prayer 3969) Paul gives up on avoiding death 3970) Trinity tribulation 3971) No god necessary 3972) Bible condones marital rape 3973) Luke copies Matthew, makes a mistake 3974) Paul in a basket contradiction 3975) Christianity is a form of death denial 3976) Seven strikes against the resurrection 3977) Trinity belief not necessary 3978) Conversation with a creationist 3979) Gospels are not history 3980) Early Christians struggle to explain irregularities 3981) Human sacrifice is abhorrent no matter what 3982) Witness of the Holy Spirit 3983) The absence of the immaterial mind 3984) Evaluating the Holy Spirit 3985) Most likely truth 3986) Jesus missing from the fabric of history 3987) Religion is not a fluid marketplace 3988) Human arrogance 3989) Age of the Earth 3990) No shepherd in the sky 3991) Vedic origins of Judaism 3992) The solar eclipse that didn’t happen 3993) The case against demons 3994) No real god would punish unbelief 3995) Nativity stories fashioned to counter doubt 3996) Worshiping Satan 3997) God is a liar 3998) Religion is a product of culture 3999) Five best reasons not to believe in God 4000) Questioning Christianity’s core concept 4001) Jesus dying was only the prelude 4002) Acts-Galatians conflict 4003) Life expectancy vs. church attendance 4004) God is either not omniscient or sadistic 4005) Paul’s vs. Luke’s idea of salvation 4006) Virgin birth is a minority opinion 4007) Matthew embellishes Jesus’ glory 4008) God not needed for origin of life 4009) The stolen jewelry analogy 4010) Four mythical persons in one verse 4011) Reacting to hell 4012) De-apocalypticizing 4013) Christianity is an abusive relationship 4014) Three of four gospel authors don’t mention Paul 4015) Epistemology does not work in religion 4016) Broken promises 4017) Christianity’s mark on the world 4018) Spanking causes brain damage 4019) Five Jesus’s 4020) Today’s Christians not recognize early Christians 4021) Jawed vertebrates 4022) Persistence of demon belief 4023) Without excuse 4024) Argument from ambiguity 4025) Healing with bones 4026) Secular humanists speak 4027) Bible reboots 4028) God’s strange hiding habit 4029) Christians use deist arguments 4030) A true religion would not need faith statements 4031) Bible heroes rejected Jesus on better evidence 4032) The ice cream shop analogy 4033) Malleus Maleficarum 4034) Natural disasters 4035) Bible’s questionable origins 4036) Early to Middle to Late Traditions 4037) Three reasons why faith persists 4038) God’s Place 4039) Tri-Omni failure 4040) God, the inefficient messenger 4041) JWST opens a door to the universe 4042) Religion shift in Canada disproves Christianity 4043) Analytical thinking is poison to Christianity 4044) God is the real Satan 4045) Messy fix to a contradiction 4046) Bible as literature 4047) Prayers for Hurricane Harvey 4048) God failed to reveal vastness of the universe 4049) Satan is a later invention 4050) Christianity looks invented 4051) Debating the Tenth Plague 4052) Ripping families apart 4053) Flaw in the human psyche 4054) Adam and Eve story still damages humanity 4055) Christian behavior signals it’s not from God 4056) Perfect scapegoat 4057) Myth of the loving god 4058) Gnostic gospels 4059) The Bible’s communication problem 4060) Luke conflates events a decade apart 4061) God’s forgiveness failure 4062) Evolution of demons 4063) Christian apologetics signals it’s a false religion 4064) Christianity is a system of escaping morality 4065) Neither God nor the universe can self-create 4066) Biblical history is a mess 4067) Golden Rule is a horrible ethic 4068) Christianity de-legitimizes its own foundation 4069) Defining God 4070) Christian laws of behavior 4071) Isaiah 7:14 is not about Jesus 4072) Pauline interpolation in 1 Corinthians 4073) Evangelism is not about saving people 4074) Being gay worse than slavery 4075) Fiction cancer 4076) Identification of scripture should’ve been obvious 4077) Faith: Giving up the game 4078) Peter letter forgeries 4079) God didn’t know what he created 4080) Cave psychosis and Revelation 4081) Side of Jesus Christians ignore 4082) Christians lack faith in divine inspiration 4083) Victor Hugo analogy 4084) Satan worked for God in the OT 4085) DNA points to lack of a designer 4086) Reasons Judas was likely mythical 4087) Why just one god? 4088) Christian or Paulinian? 4089) Christians lie about biblical slavery 4090) Judge sentencing analogy 4091) Demons recede under investigation 4092) Biblical morality is no longer relevant 4093) Civil War soldier analogy 4094) Colossians and Ephesians not written by Paul 4095) Satanic panic 4096) Three possibilities 4097) Why no god would demand worship 4098) Christianity’s overuse of absolutes 4099) Harry Potter angst 4100) Yearning for mother 4101) Five reasons to doubt Jesus’ wine trick 4102) Gospels are wrong about John’s death 4103) Jesus was No. 17 4104) World was different in Jesus’ time 4105) Why would God want humans in heaven? 4106) Moral dumbfounding 4107) Disciples dying for their beliefs 4108) Christians’ cultishness belies connection to a god 4109) Nativity of Jesus looks like a king’s origin story 4110) Argument from vagueness 4111) Evaluating the Micah prophecy 4112) God fails to align followers about heaven 4113) Kill family if they worship other gods 4114) Atonement by blood not required in OT 4115) Ten reasons why Christians fail to escape 4116) Jesus’ temple prophecy never happened 4117) Argument against an afterlife 4118) Christian love failure 4119) War on gays based on a mistranslation 4120) Toxic positivity 4121) Undesigned womens’ bodies 4122) Doubt crushers 4123) Deciphering the foolishness in Mark 4124) Jesus’ sacrifice valid only if he wasn’t God 4125) Eating children 4126) Christianity borne out of a ‘misunderstanding’ 4127) God sets humans up for failure again 4128) God’s disqualifying decision 4129) Failed defense of hell 4130) Jesus failed to expand human knowledge 4131) God failed to make Jesus’ existence known to all 4132) Mary Magdalene was fictional 4133) Trinity absurdity 4134) Christianity is lying about the Bible 4135) Christians should be sweating over denominations 4136) Virgin birth did not happen 4137) Folly of ‘focus on the good’ 4138) The simulation analogy 4139) Yahweh’s divorce from Asherah 4140) Jesus’ presentation in the Temple was fictional 4141) Yahwist author contradicts other 3 Torah authors 4142) Case against Paul 4143) The demographic argument 4144) Death after death 4145) Required RVO data 4146) Polygamy loophole 4147) War crime committed by Yahweh 4148) Jesus under the microscope 4149) Slavery in the afterlife 4150) Embarrassments in the gospels 4151) Christianity relies on the Bible alone 4152) Sinning fetus 4153) Forgiveness failure 4154) Development of the Exodus narrative 4155) ChatGPT delivers the secular response 4156) God demanded human sacrifices 4157) Prophetic revelation is the worst evidence 4158) ChatGPT 10 commandments beats the Bible 4159) Bible condones divination and fortune-telling 4160) Paul failed to write about the transfiguration 4161) God, the absentee boss 4162) Heaven is a childish dream 4163) Failure of Christians’ favorite verse 4164) Did Paul ever see Jesus? 4165) Flattening out the Bible 4166) Animal sacrifice was common worldwide 4167) Evolution of life after death 4168) Damascus Road implausibilities 4169) Crucifixion anachronism 4170) Religion is not natural to humans 4171) Sins of Ananias and Sapphira 4172) Peter’s rock interpolation 4173) Harrowing of hell missing from gospels 4174) Argument from Future Temple Sacrifices 4175) Christianity’s grade card 4176) Matthew made stuff up 4177) Judging God’s morality 4178) Temple cleansing scene likely fictional 4179) Jesus killed because of his popularity 4180) Gospel of Mark is a (fictional) masterpiece 4181) Many forms of Jesus early on 4182) Analogy of the stranded man 4183) Separating God from Santa 4184) Recasting Christianity in a modern setting 4185) Gospels are two stories blended together 4186) Illogicality of John 3:16 4187) God possesses all the properties of non-existence 4188) The scripture that kills 4189) Salvation by faith missing from synoptic gospels 4190) God wrote Ten Commandments only? 4191) Christianity shouldn’t need escape hatches 4192) John didn’t know Jesus had siblings 4193) Ten reasons to conclude Judas was fictional 4194) Religions stripped down to common elements 4195) Tacitus is not evidence for Jesus 4196) Yahweh, son of El 4197) Belief versus faith in the gospels 4198) Challenge to Christians 4199) Who should the disciples convert? 4200) Original sin is not consistent with a good God 4201) Why did the Holy Spirit retire? 4202) The fallacy of trusting in god 4203) 2 Peter should not be in the Bible 4204) Preaching to a new recruit 4205) Jesus goes off script 4206) Two inconsistent flood stories 4207) Religion hijacks human brains like drugs 4208) The Frostpunk analogy 4209) End Times theology is destructive 4210) Sizing Christianity to the universe 4211) Bible forged to condemn homosexuality 4212) The plagiarized roots of the Bible 4213) God makes it hard for his defenders 4214) The end of prophecy 4215) The ‘amazing’ book of Genesis 4216) Who invented Christianity? 4217) Keeping people ignorant of his existence 4218) Christian view of marriage and sex has changed 4219) No biblical exceptions for hell 4220) A god would know the reasons for homosexuality 4221) Faith-only belief is hypocritical 4222) ChatGPT is a better god 4223) God and angels were human-like to ancient Jews 4224) God’s rules benefit men 4225) Christianity smothers curiosity 4226) Contemporary salvation analogy 4227) Christianity won by natural selection 4228) Christianity needs a resurgence of slavery 4229) Luke admits absence of divine inspiration 4230) Paul thought he would not die 4231) Evidence Paul invented communion theology 4232) Government repudiation of Christianity 4233) The legendary letter Jesus allegedly wrote 4234) Jesus’ existence is not historically certain 4235) Christianity is rooted in vengeance 4236) A real god would curtail false religions 4237) Substitutionary atonement is an unjust theology 4238) Christians have no special talents 4239) No way to determine the truth 4240) Free will fails at the starting line 4241) Christianity breeds cherry pickers 4242) Christianity skirts scrutiny 4243) Midnight musings 4244) Bigfoot analogy 4245) Jewish versus Christian ideas of God and Satan 4246) The secular seven 4247) Moving the goal posts 4248) Deconstructing the ad populum argument 4249) God is a man child 4250) Reasons people leave Christianity 4251) The religion of ChatGPT 4252) Enuma Elish and the Bible 4253) Women invented the gods 4254) Periaqueductal grey role in sustained religiosity 4255) Marginalizing the baptism of Jesus 4256) John’s disciples knew/did-not-know the Holy Spirit 4257) A condensed history of Christianity 4258) Luke’s motivation to invent census myth 4259) Christian god communicates just like false gods 4260) Doubting Thomas comparison failure 4261) Nine reasons to doubt 500 eyewitnesses 4262) Jesus could have clarified everything 4263) New Testament contradictions 4264) Polygamy and the Bible 4265) Religion is a human universal 4266) Comparing Satan with God 4267) There are no true Christians 4268) Circumcision dropped to help recruitment 4269) Best explanation for divine hiddenness 4270) Refuting the Naysayer Hypothesis 4271) Christians ignore scriptures about sexuality 4272) Maryland priests rape while God sleeps 4273) Bard (by Google) evaluates probability for God 4274) The Three Commissions 4275) No single united church ever existed 4276) ChatGPT makes the case for atheism 4277) Hitchens moral challenge 4278) Belief in God has become unsustainable 4279) Nagasaki bomb refutes Christianity 4280) Circumcision and slavery 4281) Cross anachronisms 4282) The God of Old 4283) God cannot forgive everything 4284) Correlates of religious belief and practice 4285) John emphasizes Jesus carrying his own cross 4286) Pre-marital customs of 1st Century Jews 4287) Sports, like religion, chooses us 4288) God and birds 4289) Oradour atheists 4290) Weakness of god arguments 4291) Polygamy and the Bible’s reputation 4292) The afterlife and sleep 4293) Critique of Paul 4294) Jesus in death less noble than his followers 4295) Christian devil worship 4296) Nazism was a product of religion 4297) Drinking on the cross 4298) Life sentences for immortal beings 4299) Five stages of Jesus’ evolution 4300) Natural phenomena at heroic deaths 4301) Female gods gave way to male gods 4302) Mark as companion of Peter refuted 4303) God enjoys the scent of burning animals 4304) God’s brutish behavior 4305) Satan originated in non-canonical books 4306) Returning savior was a common theme 4307) Google Bard on the Bible 4308) The Godless Girl 4309) Bible fails to justify male supremacy 4310) Religion delivers well-being only if it is ubiquitous 4311) Debunking Luke’s historical claim 4312) Reasons to disbelieve in angels 4313) Gospels didn’t require an historical Jesus 4314) Reasons not to worship Yahweh 4315) Making Paul subservient 4316) Messiah prophecies are poor evidence 4317) De-Jewing Jesus 4318) Christianity uses domestic violence tactics 4319) Evidence against Pilate’s acquiescence to Jesus 4320) The missing forty days 4321) Homosexuality and obsolete sins 4322) Tacitus and Vespasian 4323) Vicarious redemption from another angle 4324) Theists react the same as atheists 4325) Dialogue between God and Satan about slavery 4326) Reasons why Christianity deserves no respect 4327) Seeing the forest 4328) Question of Barabbas 4329) Paralysis as a consequence of sin 4330) God experienced sex or Jesus was solely human 4331) How does God exist? 4332) Reversing theist argument 4333) Brain activity in dying people 4334) Existence of angels makes no sense 4335) Ten ways to change believers’ minds 4336) Negative aspects of religion 4337) The pigeon god 4338) Jesus was a dangerous cult leader 4339) Christianity was injured by cosmos discovery 4340) Timing of Satan’s fall 4341) Fallacy of ‘free’ gift of salvation 4342) Jesus’ ascent 4343) God may kill you for taking communion unworthily 4344) The disregarded minimal fact 4345) Jesus’ attitude to slaves 4346) Unreliability of the Gospel of John 4347) Paul lends little to the historicity of Jesus 4348) Mark’s geographical error 4349) Christianity’s science grade card 4350) Problems with the empty tomb 4351) Christianity without heaven or hell 4352) Nazi parable 4353) Christianity is a credulity religion 4354) Manipulating the first two verses 4355) His Dark Materials 4356) Christianity’s exclusivity problem 4357) Bible teaches how to manufacture slaves 4358) God and the rabies vaccine 4359) Future list of extinct religions 4360) Satan born out of a mis-translation 4361) Apologists fail to rescue Jesus’ promise 4362) Real god wouldn’t override human morality 4363) Confirmation age adjustments belie God’s input 4364) Mind control techniques 4365) Hair covering interpolation 4366) Bible review 4367) Why Luke’s census is impossible 4368) Ladder of explanations 4369) Circumcision analogy 4370) Gamma waves surge while dying 4371) The impostor theory 4372) Confused Jesus 4373) John left out the temptation 4374) Theism requires repetition, atheism does not 4375) How could the Bible have become so esteemed? 4376) Inverse homunculus fallacy 4377) Falsely asserting God is perfect 4378) Evaluating the real Ten Commandments 4379) Three criteria for seeing visions of the dead 4380) “God won’t mind if we disobey this rule” 4381) Belief is a result, not an effort 4382) Reasons to disbelieve Jesus as the messiah 4383) Mathematically, everybody ends up in hell 4384) Jews failed to understand their scriptures 4385) Atheist affirmations 4386) Song of Solomon 4387) Re-animated Jesus would not join Christianity 4388) Descent from sword converts 4389) What would appall Jesus the most 4390) Blood magic 4391) Paul was a racist 4392) God and the anthill 4393) Dead body tourism 4394) Christian claims versus the Bible 4395) Christianity checks all boxes of being a scam 4396) Photos of demons 4397) Confirmation bias is not ubiquitous 4398) The gods of the Old Testament 4399) Jesus is never coming back 4400) Nine branches of science disprove Christianity 4401) The harms of religion 4402) Omnipotence and emotions are mutually exclusive 4403) Santa Claus- the ultimate dry run 4404) List of interpolations 4405) Morality is product of human development 4406) Veneration of tombs is not evidence 4407) Believing in Christianity is becoming harder 4408) Did the Father exist before the Son? 4409) Approaching and leaving Jericho 4410) Belief and salvation 4411) The Bible makes perfect sense 4412) God is the villain, Satan is not 4413) Judeo-Christianity is self-defeating 4414) Christianity can rot your brain 4415) Ten reasons- the crucifixion story is nonsensical 4416) Carbon monoxide haunted house theory 4417) The other side of the Flood story 4418) God and Bigfoot 4419) Christians should not have children 4420) The ‘resurrection’ of Bella Montoya 4421) Polytheism makes more sense than monotheism 4422) Christianity should be sued for mental cruelty 4423) Mark’s low Christology 4424) Exodus patterned after Jericho 4425) Gospels are the casualty of oral history 4426) The evolving Jesus story 4427) John 21 should be removed from the Bible 4428) Questioning Mark’s gospel authorship 4429) Forty reasons to not be evangelical 4430) Salvation criteria contradiction 4431) Conversion/De-conversion asymmetry 4432) Failed prophetic probability analysis 4433) Wafer’miracle’ 4434) Question for the ages 4435) God of the anthills 4436) Hell is a load-bearing belief 4437) God is a terrible writer 4438) Christianity’s miracle problem 4439) Historical events reshaped Judaism 4440) Prophecy qualifications 4441) Copying the Code of Hammurabi 4442) Christianity as an adult activity 4443) Jesus likely ‘healed’ through hypnosis 4444) Atheists as healthy as the religious 4445) Christians adopted emperor’s titles for Jesus 4446) Paul’s rambling ruminations 4447) Christianity versus aliens 4448) Shelley, the poet 4449) Christians should have remained as Jews 4450) Islamic rant 4451) Early NT scribes were not trained 4452) World is too random for an intervening god 4453) Belief for salvation marketing scheme 4454) Christianity and the flat earth 4455) Universalism cannot rescue God’s reputation 4456) Religion was the precursor to science 4457) Gospel authors unlike their contemporaries 4458) God is a poor communicator 4459) Take the Bible 4460) Why rape didn’t make the Ten Commandments 4461) Atheism is a supremely rational position to hold 4462) Six times Jesus contradicted the Old Testament 4463) Original text of the Hebrew Bible is lost 4464) Resurrection in body or in spirit? 4465) God’s love for all came later 4466) Predicting the return of Jesus 4467) Childhood religious indoctrination is child abuse 4468) No new religions 4469) Jesus wants to build a church? 4470) Faith-based attributions are worthless 4471) Misogynistic interpolation 4472) Origin of out-of-body experiences 4473) Our gods are made unaccountable for a reason 4474) Hide and seek with dire consequences 4475) Jesus doubles down on demons 4476) Bible god is not the god of classical theism 4477) Rates of infant mortality 4478) How Christianity broke away from Judaism 4479) Jesus was OK with animal sacrifice 4480) Bible refutes God’s tri-omni nature 4481) Holy book full of holes 4482) Differences in Jesus coming and going 4483) Atheist beliefs 4484) Jesus quotes Isaiah to send people to hell 4485) The Newer Covenant 4486) Jesus killed due to arming apostles 4487) Sixty-five years without the paranormal 4488) Inherited brain circuitry affects religiosity 4489) Age of Miracles 4490) Six problems for miracle claims 4491) Hell is the default position of Christianity 4492) John’s gospel is eccentric 4493) Jesus ‘prophecies’ based on circular logic 4494) Supernatural beliefs have roots in childhood 4495) John’s low point 4496) When the light bulb comes on 4497) Belief falling when it should be rising 4498) Failure of the Bible’s binary system of sex 4499) Adjustments to fit the flood story 4500) Two points against the Christian god 4501) Historicity of Jesus 4502) Christian atrocities 4503) Changing the definition of adultery 4504) Polytheism more likely than monotheism 4505) Rolex watch analogy 4506) God makes Satan obsolete 4507) John’s theological inflation 4508) Babel tower too soon after the Flood 4509) Nine failed prophecies 4510) Destroying the free will argument 4511) Why is God bound by human characteristics? 4512) Parables were creations of Gospel writers 4513) Mark’s sower parable explains lack of converts 4514) Luke says no resurrection for the married 4515) The rise and fall of Asherah 4516) The origin of the belief in hell 4517) Will God admit he was wrong? 4518) Bible’s confused view of marriage and divorce 4519) Progressive religions become regressive over time 4520) Six ways out of the faith 4521) Aliens and Angels 4522) Apologists’ greatest challenge 4523) Two scenarios, two different destinies 4524) Children are fungible to god 4525) Coercive belief 4526) Christian beliefs subject to outside forces 4527) Translation narrative 4528) Opiate of the masses 4529) God on human sacrifice is inconsistent 4530) Implications of apologetics 4531) Debunking Jesus dying in our place 4532) Trouble ‘off the bat’ 4533) Non-virgin-birth not in Matthew or Luke 4534) Satan’s wandering 4535) God and mental illness 4536) Cookbook of crazy 4537) Bible is less moral than other religions 4538) Universe not made by the Christian god 4539) God sacrificed humanity for himself 4540) God gives way to angels 4541) Paul remained a Jew 4542) Christians’ image of Jesus versus the Bible 4543) Paul didn’t write the pastoral epistles 4544) Revelation is an anti-Christian polemic 4545) Origins of early Christian literature 4546) Morality based on God is bankrupt 4547) Christians picking cherries 4548) Trinity more poly- than monotheistic 4549) Questions for the ages 4550) Christianity as a lottery 4551) God needed for being bad 4552) Christ is an angel 4553) Credulity in time of Jesus 4554) The Bible endorses racism 4555) Defending God’s silence 4556) Male genitalia defies intelligent design 4557) Heaven’s three unsavory options 4558) The youngest person in hell 4559) The rape of Dinah 4560) The vaccicidal god 4561) Expected evidence is missing 4562) Reasonable disbelief disproves Christianity 4563) Why we believe in gods 4564) God and the trickster bomber 4565) Ten reasons to disbelieve in Yahweh 4566) Modern values did not rise from Christianity 4567) Jesus’ bizarre promotion of eunuchs 4568) Martyrdom chaos 4569) The Christian god acts like a subordinate 4570) Perceiving reality 4571) Hyper-grace movement 4572) Revised history of Christianity 4573) Medieval Christianity 4574) Out-of-date scriptures 4575) Guessing about God 4576) Jesus finally speaks 4577) How do adults believe in heaven/hell? 4578) Rebutting the ‘84 facts’ 4579) The implausibilities of heaven and hell 4580) The god of classical theism is not YHWH 4581) Incompatibility of answered prayers and science 4582) God allowed errors in the Bible 4583) The Divine Council of Beings 4584) The definitive refutation of the Trinity 4585) Early chaos in the church 4586) Two challenges to Jesus and miracles 4587) Ten reasons believers don’t question their faith 4588) Jesus timeline 4589) Dying faith in a non-existent god 4590) Jesus world was full of demons and spirits 4591) Disqualifying the metaphysicians 4592) Jesus was not born in Bethlehem 4593) Ten verse contradiction 4594) Breaching the fortress walls of faith 4595) Pedophilia silence defeats objective morality 4596) Beasts, monsters, giants, and demons 4597) Belief in God or not makes no difference 4598) Four problems with Pascal’s Wager 4599) Disguising what the Bible says 4600) Three-pack deconstruction 4601) The lamp analogy 4602) God’s ‘love’ is not lovely 4603) Christians need material evidence 4604) Sword converts 4605) Empirical evidence is required 4606) Herod wants to kill Jesus…or not 4607) Questions lacking satisfying answers 4608) Demolishing Luke’s census story 4609) God ‘answers’ your prayers 4610) Lying for the Lord 4611) Jews interpreted terms differently 4612) Christianity’s razzle-dazzle 4613) God loves whales more than humans 4614) Musings about God’s ‘sacrifice’ 4615) Why people believe in gods 4616) Old Testament invalidates Jesus as a prophet 4617) Plausible truth of the ‘resurrection’ 4618) Seven obsolete body parts 4619) Jerusalem entry problems 4620) Suffering and Christian apologetics 4621) Four Jesus’s 4622) Parable of the ten mathematicians 4623) How Christianity fails 4624) Gethsemane sword attack 4625) Evidence apostles were fictional 4626) Christian misconceptions 4627) Jacob fighting God and Gilgamesh 4628) Inconsistent views of the afterlife 4629) Luke copied Josephus 4630) Can a historical Jesus be saved? 4631) Mark changed the perception of Jesus 4632) If Christians were honest about hell 4633) Christianity’s Paul problem 4634) Christianity’s schizophrenic infancy 4635) God and the genocide of the Americas 4636) What must be true if Christianity is true 4637) Non-belief is stickier than belief 4638) Mormon miracles better attested 4639) Bible displays lack of knowledge 4640) Ancient readers didn’t expect realism 4641) Cessationism is a cop out 4642) Christianity is a mess 4643) Prayers for COVID go poof 4644) Christianity should have died by the 2nd Century 4645) Genesis 6:6-7 and the game is over 4646) Strongest argument against the existence of God 4647) Luke’s obsession concerning wealth 4648) Jesus nativity quiz 4649) Religions that judge are disingenuous 4650) Gospel anachronisms 4651) Missing critiques 4652) The antitheist perspective 4653) Killing of the first born not limited to babies 4654) Book of Daniel is error-ridden 4655) Religion doesn’t forestall dementia 4656) God is not the author of confusion? 4657) Steps Christians must take to believe the nativity 4658) Misinterpreting Psalm 2 4659) The silliness of a single verse 4660) No one follows Bible morals 4661) God and the Birkenau concentration camp 4662) Common myths about God 4663) Seven inconvenient facts about Jesus’ birth 4664) Jesus devalues marriage 4665) Four ways gospels could be better 4666) The gospels if God was real 4667) Leviathan evolves into Satan 4668) Killing a slave not a problem if it takes time 4669) Jesus ascending UP is clearly fiction 4670) How Christianity makes no sense 4671) Christianity and miscarriages 4672) If Jesus was God’s plan all along 4673) Dating of gospels trends later 4674) The poop argument 4675) Mumbo Jumbo 4676) Christianity is God’s mid-course correction 4677) Four endings to the gospels 4678) Why the supernatural doesn’t exist 4679) Death by circumcision 4680) God is unjust or the Bible is wrong about gays 4681) God is imperfect, uninvolved, or non-existent 4682) The Ten Non-Commandments 4683) Hell can never be justified 4684) John re-makes Christianity into a cult 4685) Why the Judas story is bad fiction 4686) Old Testament is proto-fascist 4687) Unmitigated ambiguity 4688) Bible versus ChatGPT 4689) Ten marks of delusion 4690) Jesus baptizing contradiction 4691) Ten Jesus quotes 4692) The new ark 4693) Protestant church leader misdeeds 4694) God’s monsters 4695) Dying for beliefs 4696) Studying oneself out of Christianity 4697) The plain text argument 4698) Restoring hearing 4699) Six degrees of separation 4700) Arguments questioning Jesus’ sanity 4701) Jesus lied about returning ‘soon’ 4702) Where are the angels? 4703) The dubious evolution of the canon 4704) Angels lusting after women 4705) Psalms are not prophecies 4706) God, the awful parent 4707) How Christianity outlasted other myths 4708) The missing interpolation 4709) John’s anti-Semitic agenda 4710) SIDS belies an omnipotent creator 4711) Christian belief in founded in ego 4712) Three hurdles apologists must face 4713) Luke relocates resurrection appearances 4714) Church liberalization reveals its irrelevance 4715) Rending of the veil is an interpolation 4716) Other-person resurrection theory 4717) Exodus story insulted the Egyptians 4718) Jesus mythicism, the unabridged case 4719) Gospel of John origins 4720) Genesis de-certifies the Bible 4721) Gospel of John editing error 4722) Seeing the big picture 4723) The problem with indoctrination 4724) Yahweh 2.0 roll out same as Yahweh 1.0 4725) The day Chemosh defeated Yahweh 4726) Human population bottleneck 4727) Faith-demeaning quotes 4728) Childhood experience and adult religious beliefs 4729) Changing face of God 4730) God, blood, and modern morals 4731) The persistence of gullibility 4732) Yahweh looked down… and commanded 4733) Ten reasons Bible not inspired by a perfect god 4734) Violence suffered by women 4735) Jesus didn’t want to start a new religion 4736) Antisemitism and Christianity’s problem 4737) Christianity’s vulnerable dependence on faith 4738) Effect of Christian faith on followers 4739) Mark’s fake exorcism story references a genocide 4740) Bible fails to define objective morality 4741) Over-predicting the end times 4742) Apologists fail to rescue the Bible on slavery 4743) Strange rules in the Bible 4744) Ancient deities jealously guarded their knowledge 4745) Having four gospels was a mistake 4746) Layers of biblical evil 4747) Gospel trouble spots 4748) Anti-Semitic interpolation 4749) Zechariah punished but not Mary 4750) Facing down trinitarians with biblical evidence 4751) Mark’s placement of Jesus on the cross 4752) Head covering interpolation 4753) Cognitive dissonance shows Christianity’s untruth 4754) There is nothing wrong with being gay 4755) Fallacy of the ‘true Christian’ 4756) Conception versus pre-existence christology 4757) Why the Jews couldn’t accept Jesus as the messiah 4758) Paul’s apparent contradiction 4759) Biblical harmonization is a futile exercise 4760) Christianity’s cult calling card 4761) Bells and whistles instead of substance 4762) Prayer is an attempt at deity manipulation 4763) The modern Satanic Panic damaged Christianity 4764) Conflicting messages 4765) An omni-god would prevent religious diversity 4766) To touch or not to touch 4767) Torture negates free will 4768) Evolution of Marian tradition 4769) Resurrection theory evolved later 4770) The Lego analogy 4771) In defense of David Hume 4772) Probability explains miracles 4773) Five OT verses that are racist and immoral 4774) The concept of God is inherently narcissistic 4775) The teachings of Jesus are ignored 4776) Musings on early Christianity 4777) Six reasons to dismiss the empty tomb 4778) Four elements of every religion 4779) Origins of Judaism disproves Abrahamic religions 4780) Religious belief has trended to the philosophical 4781) Conflation of El and Yahweh 4782) Christianity did not start with Jesus 4783) Christians are selectively irrational 4784) Christianity’s shameful use of hell fear 4785) Problems with the rogue apostle Paul 4786) Religious rules are the handiwork of men 4787) People are held to a higher standard than God 4788) A world devoid of design and purpose 4789) Yahweh’s missed opportunity 4790) Passover evil 4791) Satan’s multi-century conceptual development 4792) Message from God to humans 4793) Heaven and hell invented to explain unfairness 4794) Minimal facts in reverse 4795) Crushed testicles 4796) Jesus’ crucifixion as Roman triumphal march 4797) Christianity breeds artificial certainty 4798) 1 Clement fails to support martyrdom 4799) Morphing tomb 4800) Implications of Paul’s pseudepigrapha 4801) God of ignorance 4802) Luke disagrees on salvation 4803) Futility of knowing what Jesus taught 4804) John Henry vs. Jesus 4805) If God is real, it would be terrifying 4806) To believe or not believe 4807) Heaven’s Gate analogy 4808) Original sin unknown to patriarchs 4809) Everlasting covenant 4810) Two brick walls 4811) Divine hiddenness invalidates Christianity 4812) Non-resistant non-believers 4813) Dark side of religion 4814) Destroy rather than worship 4815) Luke-Acts dated in 2nd Century 4816) Four levels of god delusion 4817) Jesus’ unnecessary torture 4818) Keeping God outside our limits of perception 4819) Book of lies 4820) Bloody knife analogy 4821) Bringing Judaism back to its Mosaic roots 4822) River problems in Genesis 4823) Imagine a world without religion 4824) Acts contradicts Exodus 4825) Eleven ways religion destroys humanity 4826) Who made the request? 4827) Musings about Paul 4828) Crucifixion not stoning 4829) Lack of miracles is solid evidence 4830) Did Jesus really exist? 4831) What’s so great about faith? 4832) Yahweh’s hand in child sacrifice 4833) Age of accountability is non-scriptural 4834) Ten fatal flaws of the Bible 4835) Twelve reasons to leave Christianity 4836) Book of Enoch 4837) Mark’s fig tree story and the Jewish temple 4838) Five questions that befuddle pastors 4839) Conspiracy theory truth test 4840) Old Testament is Israelite propaganda 4841) What convinced you? 4842) Why don’t we know? 4843) Bible bans homosexuality for unscientific reasons 4844) The god of Job 4845) Three major flaws of religions 4846) Bible’s flawed view of gluttony 4847) The goblin behind the bush 4848) The poisoned cup analogy 4849) If Christianity is untrue, what would we see? 4850) Scholarly doubt about Jesus’ existence 4851) Massaging Numbers 31 4852) Yahweh takes over as other goes die out 4853) Ten Commandments and U.S. law 4854) Uncle Jeff 4855) Counting the gods on the sectarian turnpike 4856) Condensed guide to why Christianity is false 4857) Mixed messaging 4858) Biblical math 4859) Difficulty in verifying persecution and martyrdom 4860) Paul gives different answer than Jesus 4861) Sensing what isn’t there 4862) Jesus of synoptics versus John 4863) Jesus shouldn’t have revealed heaven or hell 4864) More rational to dismiss biblical miracles 4865) Trinity doctrine is illogical 4866) Evolving Out of Eden 4867) Seventh Commandment isn’t what Christians think 4868) Interpolation in 2 Corinthians 4869) Revisiting the Ten Commandments 4870) Not-so-Intelligent Designer 4871) Plagiarism in Mark’s long ending 4872) Deliberate mistranslation 4873) Unanswered prayer bingo 4874) Anonymous gospels made them easy to tamper 4875) Christianity and the art of self-deception 4876) Bible’s missed opportunity 4877) Selective skepticism 4878) Christological contradiction 4879) Deconstructing resurrection belief 4880) Inventing spirits to mask ignorance 4881) Jesus’ baptism likely fabricated 4882) Christians don’t realize they disagree with Jesus 4883) Six arguments against the trinity 4884) Why Jews couldn’t accept Jesus 4885) Jesus’ death makes no sense 4886) Monolatry was a break from Israel’s past 4887) Too much uncertainty with Paul’s letters 4888) Hallucination and the Resurrection 4889) Abuse of children fails to invoke wrath of God 4890) The evolution of Satan 4891) Hate family, love enemies? 4892) Author of John’s gospel major blunder 4893) Elegant defense of apostasy 4894) Revelation assumes Satan is stupid and illiterate 4895) Power of God not working through anyone 4896) God fails Jesus’ command 4897) Limits of faith 4898) Mark has theological problems and absurdities 4899) Helping Jesus fulfill prophecy 4900) The Christian god is either evil or fictional 4901) Non-Jewish Christians to second-tier heaven 4902) Reasons why 2 Peter should be removed 4903) Parable of the sower is a poor analogy 4904) Christianity and lust 4905) Mystery of vanishing proofs 4906) Mary Magdalene timeline problem 4907) Yahweh- a foreign god imported from the South 4908) Christianity has no good ending 4909) Contradiction of child sacrifice 4910) John 20:17 presents a problem 4911) Five reasons to not be a Christian 4912) Jesus endorsed revenge on non-receptive people 4913) Matthew invents Egypt sojourn 4914) Comment on Satan’s ‘evolution’ 4915) How to get to Christian heaven evolved 4916) Jesus was most likely a fraud 4917) Selling freedom from death 4918) The silence of God 4919) Deification of Trump 4920) Ten most controversial verses in the Bible 4921) Five reasons to suspect Jesus never existed 4922) Bible admits existence of a pagan god 4923) Unexplained delay in revelation 4924) Christianity’s effect on children 4925) Balaam’s talking donkey and Achilles’ horse 4926) Problems with gospel authenticity 4927) Faking it 4928) Ritual human sacrifice in the Bible 4929) Humans are mechanical machines 4930) Jesus’ miracles cannot be true 4931) No historical certainty of Jesus’ trial 4932) Religious fundamentalism and brain lesions 4933) The relativity of faith 4934) The problem of experience 4935) Paul and Issa 4936) Apologist claims support atheism 4937) Certainty about death 4938) Monolatry to Monotheism 4939) Doubting Thomas promotes church attendance 4940) Christianity was shaped by human interests 4941) Quotes on God’s inefficiencies 4942) God burns Aaron’s sons 4943) Christianity was used to save the empire 4944) Equating Paul’s vision with the disciples 4945) Collision of theology with science and history 4946) Homosexuality is neither moral nor immoral 4947) Evolution of heaven 4948) Shifting views of the ‘end times’ 4949) Christianity and virtuous living don’t mix 4950) Author of John corrects Jesus 4951) Behemoth and Leviathan 4952) Christianity relies on stupidity for its survival 4953) Failure of original sin doctrine 4954) Folly of faith 4955) Gospel of Mark as reactionary allegory 4956) Making sense of Paul’s conversion 4957) God has too many human traits 4958) Selective revelation 4959) Jesus’ metamorphosis 4960) Free will verses prayers for protection 4961) Brain damage and religious experience 4962) God is a criminal 4963) Mistake by author of John 4964) Amount of suffering problem 4965) Jesus mythicism set to go mainstream 4966) Jews expected a powerful messiah 4967) Opening the mind to let God out 4968) Christians and the military 4969) Scriptures Christians ignore 4970) Separating Acts from Paul’s writings 4971) Critical analysis of Christianity’s inconsistencies 4972) Agency trilemma 4973) Signs argument is impotent 4974) Fragility of belief 4975) Case against the virgin birth 4976) Evolution of hell 4977) Bible god is special 4978) Jewish perspective of Christian textual claims 4979) The Craft versus Christianity 4980) God’s anti-feats 4981) Criterion of embarrassment is invalid 4982) Allegorical Adam and Eve is problematic 4983) Fifty-four verses of pure evil 4984) Resurrection accounts are too parochial 4985) Evangelical Christians vote for acts of the flesh 4986) The case for universal revelation 4987) What, basically, is Christianity? 4988) Mythicist argument is under further review 4989) Christian defenders admit insufficient evidence 4990) Truth about Christianity 4991) Consciousness is not god-given 4992) Explosions without God 4993) God behaves like a non-existent god 4994) Counting all of the fantasies in Mark 4995) Josephus omits Jesus’ temple disturbance 4996) Crucial theology lacks cohesion 4997) Weaponization of sexual guilt 4998) Death is the end, no question about it 4999) The CEO analogy 5000) The many deaths of Peter and Paul 5001) God, the extortionist 5002) Mark, Luke, and Matthew missed Cana wedding 5003) God and the Seven Deadly Sins 5004) Religions reflect human opinion about God 5005) Atheist countries thrive 5006) Jesus quotes- separating fact from fiction 5007) How Jesus failed to convince Jews 5008) Jesus was likely a cult leader 5009) Human immortality would kill religion 5010) Brevity of Josephus on Jesus is telling 5011) God either doesn’t care or doesn’t exist 5012) Christianity’s slow growth belies miracles 5013) Debunking messianic claims in the Old Testament 5014) Review of the Judeo-Christian-Islamic god 5015) God and genetics 5016) Guilty until proven innocent 5017) God’s three-body problem 5018) Jesus is to blame for discord 5019) Three reasons to be an atheist 5020) Problems with crediting prophecy 5021) Angels came after Babylonian exile 5022) Debunking responses to the problem of evil 5023) Religion thrives on stupidity 5024) Ancient mythic origins of the Christmas story 5025) Christian credibility undermined by its roots 5026) Miracles always eventually evaporate 5027) What Hitchens might have said 5028) Jesus sinned five times 5029) No one asked Jesus to sacrifice himself 5030) Jesus uses whataboutism 5031) Being fully God and fully human is a contradiction 5032) Doctrine of hell is harmful to mental health 5033) Unbelief as a choice 5034) Christians overplayed the messiah trope 5035) Christianity’s male dominance is a problem 5036) Matthew makes 180-degree edit 5037) God as a rock 100,000 years ago 5038) Prophets and revelation are unnecessary 5039) Every account of Jesus is hearsay 5040) A true god would create an inclusive religion 5041) Debunking needle and vaccine analogies 5042) Christianity contradicts Jewish bible 5043) Nothing but problematic parts 5044) Holes in apologist excuses for Canaanite massacre 5045) Reinterpreting scripture predates Christianity 5046) Origin of religion story 5047) Public health in Jesus’ time 5048) Book of Revelation is anti-Paul 5049) God, the scientist 5050) Loving god would not allow violent conversions 5051) Bible’s creation suggests it is a human effort 5052) Christianity minus afterlife equals zero 5053) Apologetics are missing from the Bible 5054) Yahweh qualifies as being non-existent 5055) The illogic of Satan 5056) Religion- ‘we meant to do that.’ 5057) Electrician’s road to atheism 5058) Tracking scriptural slavery proves men created god 5059) Old Testament is deeply immoral 5060) God doesn’t care about free will 5061) Followers of Jesus stayed in Jerusalem 5062) Why ‘his ways are not our ways’ doesn’t work 5063) Christian god cannot exist 5064) Argument against the existence of souls 5065) Origin of gospel parables 5066) Endosymbiosis and the origin of complex life 5067) God belief is centered in ego-centric brain area 5068) The way Christianity unfolded 5069) Jesus fulfills only part of the prophecy 5070) Prayers versus insulin 5071) Anti-wealth Jesus statements ignored 5072) Crucifixion makes no sense 5073) Christianity and Constantine 5074) Summary of Judaism and Christianity 5075) Bible has an inconsistent view of resurrection 5076) God goes silent 5077) An alternate story of the resurrection 5078) Jesus didn’t fulfill anything 5079) Normalized delusion 5080) Argument from empirical supremacy 5081) Worshiping the Christian god is dystopian 5082) Jesus wanted to restore Mosaic Judaism 5083) All religions are false 5084) God and gay marriage 5085) God gets pass on forcing love 5086) Galatians fails to solve the slavery problem 5087) God’s morality equates to humanity’s past 5088) Conflict between classic theism and evolution 5089) Faith is a search for refuge rather than truth 5090) Matthew ‘corrects’ Mark’s ‘mistake’ 5091) Why skeptics reject the resurrection 5092) Prophecy is incompatible with free will 5093) Luke keeps Jesus in Jerusalem 5094) Christian Nationalism 5095) Resurrection of the saints commentary 5096) Jesus’ apocalyptic teachings were changed 5097) Jesus fails to fulfill Jeremiah’s prophecy 5098) The entropicist manifesto 5099) Factually, there is no god 5100) Jesus was too ignorant to be God 5101) Judaeo-Christianity makes no sense 5102) Christianity kills 5103) Resurrection nonsense 5104) Christianity is a man-made religion 5105) Why Christianity persists (when it shouldn’t) 5106) Jesus fumbles badly 5107) Rational and just god does not exist 5108) Realizing this is it 5109) Mark’s over-emphasis on exorcism 5110) Primitive people invented a primitive god 5111) Wouldn’t God want to convince more people? 5112) Faith built on fear is not free will 5113) No one can have a personal relationship with God 5114) Christians don’t really believe 5115) Predicted second coming was missed 5116) Christian considers Paul to be a fraud 5117) Early Christianity was a cult 5118) Ineffectiveness of prayer is swept under the rug 5119) Luke versus Paul on atonement 5120) Where’s Susan and Steve? 5121) Three-point de-conversion 5122) Failed Eschatology of the New Testament 5123) Christian churches are bad for society 5124) Divine misdirection 5125) Christianity- the myth that calls other myths false 5126) Second Commandment fail 5127) Too many problems comments can be sent to [email protected]